Innovative Ways To Get Your Child To Stop Thumb Sucking
Thumb sucking has a variety of negative consequences for young children
, especially if it continues for a long period of time. Misaligned jaws and crooked teeth are just a few. Expensive dental procedures can fix a lot of these issues, but why go through all the pain and headache if you can get your child to quit early on?
Luckily on the market today there are some safe and reliable products geared to help children quit thumb sucking (and you can buy them all online for a low price).
3 Products that can Help Your Child Quit:
Get your hands on a good childrens book that teaches about eliminating bad habits. A great example is The Bernstein Bears and the Bad Habit. This book focuses strictly on thumb sucking.
Check out Thumbsters which is a breathable and comfortable Lycra device that children wear on their thumb to remind them not to suck. The manufacturer of this product boasts it has helped thousands of children to stop thumb sucking throughout America!! It is recommended for children ages 5-12 and comes in one color: lime green!
Thum Liquid is a product that contains cayenne pepper extract, citric acid and other ingredients that do not taste too pleasant in order to keep your child from wanting to suck. Just spread a couple drops on your childs thumb and your good to go.
If your child has been sucking for a long period of time they may need the attention of a dentist in order to correct their teeth while they are young and their jaw is still soft.