Injured Workers Can Call Workers Compensation Lawyers Atlanta
The workers compensation lawyers Atlanta helps people injured on the job
. Workers compensation was created in order to protect workers. One judge described it as a system that is to provide workers with prompt and certain compensation for injuries sustained on the work place.
The employer is to pay for the medical care, not the injured employee. The employer is responsible to compensate an injured worker, or the family of one who is killed on the job. This what the law is all about.
There are many types of injuries on the job. But back injury is one of the most frequent because many jobs require lifting and moving of heavy objects. After years of work, some employees simply become weak and this weakness can lead to more possibility of severe back injury.
Before workers compensation law was in effect, older employees with back injury were simply let go by the employer who would hire a younger person to take the open position. This meant that older employees who were loyal to company for years were losing their jobs due to work related injury. Share:
There are workers who do not do lifting of heavy objects, but are still susceptible to injury. These are the people who type all day. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common work place injury because workers have to sit all day behind a computer and type on a keyboard. This condition sometimes requires surgery to correct and is covered by workers compensation.
Many workers who are injured on the work site choose not to meet with an attorney because they see no reason to. But workers should realize that even though the system is set up to protect workers, it also is set up to prevent false claims. There have been those who have tried to take advantage of the compensation system by making false claims. Some have tried to collect money or time off from work by exaggerating the effects of the work related injury.
This means that even legitimate claims are assumed to be false. This is why some workers automatically consult with an attorney to make sure that they are following all the steps properly so that their legitimate claim will not be denied. For the injured employee the workers compensation system can be a complicated unknown area.
Injured workers deserve proper medical care and compensation. To make sure that the process works the way it was meant to, an injured employee should think about speaking with a lawyer.