Infertility Success Story – You Can Have A Baby Too!

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I want to share my infertility success story with you. I know that when I was going through infertility, I loved to hear infertility success stories that encouraged me to keep trying. Our story is a bit different than most. Our journey was long and had many bumps in the road, but we eventually had our miracle baby boy.
Our journey started about a year and a half of marriage. We weren't quite ready to have kids yet, but we knew it may take a few months so we decided to get off of birth control. We were off of it for about a year when we decided to see the doctor. She was not very helpful but she sent us to a great infertility specialist. He suggested that we go straight to IVF and skip any smaller interventions. We did just what he suggested and we were soon on our way to IVF with ICSI. We didn't know much out the process and we thought that it would be the answer to our prayers. I was young and we had been diagnosed with male factor infertility, so our chances were high.
We were devastated when our first cycle was a complete disaster. I did not respond well to the meds and our embryos turned out to be poor quality. We waited about two months and then tried again. This cycle was a little more encouraging. We got pregnant, but had an early miscarriage. At this point I was just happy to know that we could even get pregnant. The doctor ensured us that many people have miscarriages, even couples without infertility problems.

Share: We took a break from fertility treatments for almost a year. When the next summer came around it was time to start trying again. We went through two more cycle which ended in the exact same results. The second miscarriage was a lot harder to handle than the first. The rollercoaster ride of infertility was beginning to take a toll on us.
We probably would have given up at this point, if we would not have had eight frozen embryos left. So, we took a little break and then tried our first FET. We got pregnant again, and yet another miscarriage. I was really starting to believe that I could not carry a baby to term. My doctor was telling me otherwise, but I felt like he was missing something. Since we still had frozen embryos left, we couldn't stop trying yet. We went on to try our second FET, and fell pregnant again. I did not even get excited about being pregnant; I just wanted to stay pregnant!
All of our patience and hard work paid off, because this pregnancy would go to term. We had our beautiful baby boy on our sixth cycle. He is worth every minute and every dollar that we put into having him. Please know that many couples do not have to go through infertility treatments. There are natural remedies to cure infertility. I hope that our infertility success story can help to encourage you to keep trying. Soon you will be telling your own success story!
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