Increases Exposure Is Why Every Network Marketer Should Have A Blog
There are many reasons why every network marketer should have a blog
. To be successful in the network marketing field you have to be seen and heard and blogging can assist you in doing that.
Because good blogs are full of fresh and unique material they are in demand by search engines. If you update your blog continually (at least 2 to 3 times per week) you increase your chances of a high ranking on the search engines.
And as you no doubt know the higher you are on the search engine ranking the more likely you will be seen by the masses. You will be writing about things relative to your blog and your niche product or service.
People want to come to your blog if it's helpful and not only selling. Therefore your blog should contain useful information that people can benefit from. You can then subtly add promotions to your product.
Blogging is also important because it can assist in driving traffic to your main website if you have one. By using good keywords and phrases you can drive targeted traffic to your site. You will also want to provide a link to your website which then gives you double exposure.
One of the main reasons you need a blog as a network marketer is the free advertising it offers you. But without constantly updating your blog you won't get the necessary exposure and may have to resort to paying for advertising.
Setting up a blog can be virtually free or at least done at a very low cost. The free blogs may not allow you to do as much with them as the paid sites so you'll want to research first. For example you may not be able to set up paid advertising on some free sites.
A blog is also a great way to project yourself as an expert within your chosen niche. Once people realize that you have answers and can provide them with desired information you will see your business benefit.
The best marketing bloggers realize this and make a concentrated effort to give as much to the readers as possible. By giving various freebies such as top 10 lists and free reports you make your site a destination one.
Once you're on the radar word of mouth advertising will kick in. At that point the domino effect will take effect. But please realize that this will all take some time so patience is definitely a virtue.