There are different kinds of mites' existent today and therefore each of them requires different kinds of treatment. Therefore, you must identify the mites, before getting started with any kind of treatment. The most common types of mites are those which infest the pets and humans such as dust mites, scabies mites and ear mites.
All of these mites have different properties and hence it would be best to consult a medical practitioner as soon as you experience some of the commonly occurring symptoms. Dust mites are pretty unusual amongst all kinds of mites since they do not bite. For the most part, the sufferers are not even aware of their presence and they exist in exponential numbers in quite a lot of homes. Humans as well as pets shed about 40000 dead skin cells every minute and these dust bites would clean up on these dead cells. There are no major problems caused by these kinds of mites, however a few people are allergic to the faecal matter excreted by them or to their dead bodies.
On the other hand, the ear mites do not infest the human hosts directly. Instead, these mites are known to cause a lot of discomfort to cats and dogs. These mites reside in the ears of these pets and often feed on the earwax debris. It often causes infection in the pets along with itching and inflammation.