Importance of Great Summer Jewellery Accessories

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It's that time again when the summer months are upon us and our summer wardrobes are starting to move from the spare cupboard. Linen trousers, t-shirts, denim skirts, yes we all wear them but what about our accessories?
Most women forget the importance of investing in good quality jewellery accessories. We are all culprits for buying our jewellery accessories as an after thought, but STOP!!!
Why Not? Accessories bought without much thought or from a budget retailer can make any outfit, no matter how expensive loose it look. However, good quality accessories will add the prefect finishing touch to any outfit.

Share: Think about it? It's difficult to spot the difference between linen trousers and t-shirt purchased from a high end fashion retailer compared to a budget retailer. However cheaper jewellery accessories can be spotted a mile away. A good quality necklace or bracelet will make you stand out and brighten up any outfit.
Also quality accessories will last you season after season, but your cheaper accessories will last one if you are lucky. Better quality accessories are initially an expensive outlay but longer term savings are gained.
For women who want to stand out from the crowd, may I suggest a few colour combinations and materials.
Black and silver accessories dress up any outfit, black jewellery with white linen looks fab! Sterling silver jewellery pieces go with anything and always add a sparkle to your neckline.
Soft beiges and earthy green beads go great with an array of colours and never date. Soft pastel colours are always great summer favourites colours, to add a touch of fun look for heart, leaf or circle shapes.
Pearls are an all year round classic jewellery accessory. Pearls add a touch of class to any outfit and these pieces will never date, prefect for any jewellery box. Fresh water pearls come in a variety of colours, white or peacock are great options as the white pearls go with anything and the peacock pearls shimmer with arrays of purples, coppers and aqua greens, eye catching colours that are very versatile.
You can never go wrong with good quality jewellery accessories to add the prefect finishing touch to any outfit.
Author: Emma Crawford, owner of Athena Gifts
Copyright 2010: Athena Gifts
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