Importance Of Your Teeth
Dentist1: Your teeth are important
Dentist1: Your teeth are important. The health of your teeth show in your smile which is usually one of the first things someone notices about you. A dentist, therefore, is very important. Neglecting your dental care by neglecting your routine dentist visits can do more damage to your teeth in the long-run than you realize.
Dentist 2: Dental brushing and dental flossing and the use of oral mouth was in your daily dental care routine are of course important to keep the bugs away from your dental gums and keep the plaque from forming on your teeth. However, plaque and tartar removal are things that a dentist must do that a toothbrush cannot. Everyone has saliva glands near their bottom front teeth and near the top side teeth. Dental tartar and dental plaque, naturally build up on your teeth in these areas over time. A dentist will always remove this tartar and plaque build up at every routine visit. A dentist will also polish your teeth with fluoride at every routine dentist visit which strengthens your teeth as well as leaving you with a whiter healthier smile of teeth. This is one reason why a routine dentist visit is necessary for the health of your oral cavity, the health of your teeth, and your over-all health.
Dentist 3: Some may argue that they can remove dental plaque and dental tartar on their own without the help of a routine oral health visit to the dentist. This may be true, however the dental plaque and dental tartar removal from your teeth that a dentist does will be more thorough than your own dental care. The main reason is that a dentist can see all parts of your oral cavity and teeth that you cannot just because of the angle a dentist can see your oral cavity from the dentist view while you sit in the dental chair and the dentist shines the dentist light onto your teeth. Also, a dentist goes to dental school to learn the best way to clean teeth, among many other things that a dentist learns at dental school. A dentist also has a variety of professional dental tools that work in removing tartar and plaque without damaging the enamel on your teeth.
Dentist 4: A dentist can also provide much preventative dental care that you cannot provide on your own because of the perspective of the dentist looking at your teeth with that bright light as well as the medical perspective a dentist has from dental school. A dentist is much like a doctor, just specialized in oral health. In dental school a dentist must study the anatomy and learn about drugs and medications that a doctor learns.
A dentist can spot a dental problem before it becomes an oral health issue. And because a dentist can spot a prospective dental problem or oral problem a dentist can also prescribe or follow the correct measures and preventative care that would bring you back to tip-top oral health and dental health before you even notice the problem. For example, a dentist may notice a small bump on your tongue that you may not have seen or felt. With the watchful eye of the dentist a dentist can prevent this bump from spreading to oral cancer. The preventative care that a dentist provides at routine dental visits is vital to your dental health.
by: Janetta Lapinta
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