Importance Of Calm And Composed Nature For A Happy Married Life

Share: Both the bride and the groom has to maintain peace and calmness in their relation
, to make the bond ever- growing and strong
The nature and the personality of a person can be checked by the character and the behaviour he possesses. The behaviour and the presentation of a person vary according to the place and the position, a person is present in. It is a very common fact that the nature and the activities of a person changes with the place and kind of people he is sitting with. A change in the mannerism is required at times, because the person cannot follow the same activities, with everybody. A person has to make changes in his presentation and manner to talk, because the person cannot be same with all.
Marriage is also an institution, in which the person has to adopt different cultures and values to keep a smooth flow of the marriage. Both the bride and groom need to give in inputs of their calm and composed nature, to ensure a hurdle free life long journey of marriage. Marriage is a relation, which requires a lot of effort and strength of mind and consistency in the decisions, to make the bond of the relation grow and achieve a non- breakable stage. It is not always necessary that the bride or the wife has to take initiative or its only she who has to be ignorant about silly things every time. The groom at times is also required to take steps to keep the relation a happy and a composed one. Its a known fact, that till the time, both the wheels of a cycle, does not work the marriage would not be able to move forward.
Marriage, like all other relations, cannot work without the support of the other person. Therefore bride and groom or husband and wife both has to be very initiative and creative to find out solutions, so that their married life does not go bore, and at the end of it they have some most beautiful and amazing moments to cherish. The married couple should always try and avoid such situations, in which they conflict with each other, or where their views do not match with each others. Avoiding situations which could leads to fights and misunderstandings between the couple, can lead to a healthy lifestyle.
For leading a hassle free or hurdle free life, the mind of a person needs to be free from all tensions and problems. The mind of a human being is generally conquered by a number of thoughts and worries, which often act as a hurdle for him to give quality time to his life partner. The problems of the office and professional life are mostly the reason, why people have problems in their married life. Taking problems home does not solve the problem. Bride and groom both should keep this in mind that discussing the office life at home or after office hours, not only creates problems in the personal life, but also leads to extra tensions and unsatisfactory feeling in the married life.
Therefore, both the bride and groom, after marriage, should possess a calm and composed nature, by the help of which they are able to solve issues between them. Keeping the mouth shut is not the solution always; one should always try and express his feeling and thoughts towards a particular topic. Ignoring things and not answering the queries of the partner, increases the differences and gives birth to doubt in the mind of the other person. So, the married couple should always try and keep their nerves cool and calm while speaking something, or while taking an important decisions, because words one said cannot be brought back, and if by chance something wrong is said by any of the bride and groom, then it can lead to very bad and strong repercussions.
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by: Gurleen Kaur
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