Importance Of A Friend And A Dating Partner In Our Life

Share: Some people say that a good friend is a gift of God
. Friends in our life plays a very important role as the relationship with a friend is too close to disclose everything related to ones personal even secret issues. A friend can play the role of a philosopher, guide, educator, communicator, coordinator and some other types of roles as well. This is the reason; we tend to be dependent on our friends in our bad times. However, it doesnt mean that we dont feel concern towards our friends in good times in line. The relationship between two friends is always a meaningful relationship, which is advantageous to both the friends. Finding out a suitable definition, which would be all inclusive to describe the relationship in one or two lines may not be possible as this relationship cant be elaborated in just two lines. The role played by a friend in need is no doubt invaluable to everyones life. This is the greatest benefit one can obtain by maintaining a good friendship.
On the other hand, a date-partner is a partner, who though accompanies a person at certain stages of life still; it is unparallel to a friend. A person has to become enthusiast to establish this type of relationship. The relationship may not be unconditional as that of the friendship. In addition, a relationship in date, established at certain times, may not continue lifelong. Different motives instincts a person to get a date-partner in life in comparing with a friendship. One may expect to get sexual satisfaction, heavenly pleasure from a date-partner as this type of relationship always starts between two persons of opposite sex. However, a lonely person may want engage in date to get accompany of a partner so that he or she can get rid of loneliness. Therefore, its not wise to tell date as a means of getting sexual satisfaction only. This relationship has also broader aspects.
As mentioned earlier that a friend and a date-partner doesnt play the similar role in our life. Both the roles differ from each other and have different aspects in our day to day life. As the role, played by a date partner and friend is not similar, therefore, you may feel that friendship is more important to the relationship that establishes in date with an opposite sex partner. Comparing these two relationships in this way is not correct as both are important from different angles of our life. Taking a view on these two types of relationships from the same angle may not be a suitable way to compare the impact of these two types of people in our life. A date-partner may be as important as a friend in some stages of line. One may get recovery from bad depression spending quality time with a date-partner. Therefore, you can dictate that neither the role of a
dating partner nor the role of a friend is less important in our life, though, there are differences. A
PUA , who is commonly known as pickup artist, may emphasize on the importance of a date-partner in our life, on the other hand, another person may call a friend as the inseparable part of life.
by: Tomaken Chaien
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