Imperative Dog Training Tips To Help You Have A Well Behaved Dog
Do you want to have a well behaved pet that you can have around other people or animals without problems
? Of course you do, every dog owner does, but not many know how to properly train their pet and that is why you need to be made aware of some dog training tips that will help you have the well behaved dog you want.
There are a number of tips that are effective for dog training, but the following are the ones that will be the most effective immediately.
1. Train in short sessions - When you start the training with your pet you need to remember that dogs have a very short attention span. So trying to train them for hours at a time will not be effective at all.
You need to train them in short time frames of 10 to 20 minutes since this is about all of the attention you will get from them before they are distracted by something else.
2. Be consistent with training - You have to realize that consistency is a must when training any dog because a dog learns like a kid would, by being told something or shown something over and over again. It does require time to train a dog, but if you are patient and consistent they will start to understand what behavior is expected of them.
Plus, make sure you use the same training techniques and commands each time you spend time with training them so they can easily learn and not become confused as to what you expect of them.
3. Get a routine going - It is important for a dog to be able to learn effectively that you get into a routine that you use each day for training and that you do it at a specific time each day. This is going to help you remember to train your dog and will keep them in a routine that is simple for them to learn with.
4. Utilize treats and praise - When your dog does the behavior that you are trying to teach them it is important to praise them with words and affection, along with treats. Do not ever use punishment because no dog responds well to this.
With treats and praise they will soon learn what to do and what not to do to get the attention they want.
These are the dog training tips that every dog owner needs to know and utilize in order to have a well trained dog. Begin training your dog or puppy right away and before you know it, bad behavior will only happen once in a while and not all the time like it probably does now.
by: Jeff Schuman
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2024-12-4 16:28