If You Find A Job Take It And Hold On Tight

Share: There are probably a lot of jobs you wouldn't pick to do
. Of course everyone has their dream job and see themselves getting it right away, but in the real world, that doesn't always happen. And right now, the way that the economy is, jobs really don't come easy, so you need to grab on to one if you find it.
A lot of people can be picky about jobs that they have right now. They don't want to be working here, they can't work there because of another ridiculous reason, and the list goes on and on. But, in times like these, no one can really afford to be picky about where they work because jobs are so scarce. It doesn't matter if you used to make $1,000 a week doing practically nothing in your fancy office, because if the local grocery store offers you $10 an hour to stock shelves, you're going to take it. Why? Because you have to. You need money to live, and the chances of you finding another high paying job like the one that you had are slim to none right now. Do whatever it takes to keep money coming in, and make sure that you don't jeopardize your own financial well being because you might feel better than other jobs.
Several people will fill out a million applications, only to turn down one job after another because they think that the pay is too low for them or their standards, the working conditions aren't ideal, or for some other arbitrary reason. You can practically guarantee that there are people out there desperate enough to be willing to do whatever job comes along so long as they're getting a paycheck, which is why the picky ones will likely remain unemployed for much longer. Now is the WORST time to be picky about your job position or where you work. It doesn't matter if you're making $10 an hour cleaning tables and serving fast food or if you're making $1200 a week as an executive, because as long as money is coming in, you're going to be fine.
Sure, you may need to take it back a little on the spending. So what? You might not be able to go out to dinner every night, and you might have to trade in your fancy car for a cheaper model. So what? Maybe you will be able to appreciate having food, clothing, and a home to live in, which is something that not everyone in the world has. Americans, as a country, are spoiled by consumerism. The recession is a place where people can finally start to be put in their place because they are limited in their spending and incomes. The land of opportunity is still chock full of them, but is working right now on teaching a lesson in appreciation of the basic necessities, which so many people take for granted.

Share: Be thankful for what you have. And take advantage of all of the job offers you get. You need to make sure that you are keeping in mind that through all of this economic downfall, you still have your family and friends and they are what is most important.
by: Jason Hall
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