I need out of where I reside now for 34 years I have been so unhappy and that I have
found the love of my life my family members are all ill and passing away . Does anyone see a move coming soon I'm dying here both phyically and mentially. He has done so many improvements to the home and here I sit taking care of family members so when will it be my time to have a life and to be just me . I have tried 4 times to try to move but family members are ill or passed away and now I have an uncle that is very ill and trying to deal with. My health is is not so great and on some meds for depression ,I just want out and to become the person of my own and to have some happiness like everyone else.I know we are turn it over to God but God is working I believe to make an exit but taking my loved ones to him . My childern they are sad to see this but being from a small country town our families are our strength . I hope this is true I need some sort of answer soon . When I read the horoscope for cancer I see that things are not great this well, it hit the nail on the head I don't believe in this but I'm amazed just how close they are to what I'm going though. I just hope that the truth is in there for me and that I can see some sort of daylight soon, a move for me is a new start and boy do I need it NOW!!