I Need a Paystub Template. What are the Next Seps?
I Need a Paystub Template
I Need a Paystub Template. What are the Next Seps?
When you start a small business or a start up company, one of the things you will need is a pay stub template. In an official setup you cannot just hand the cash to the full time employees working for you. You will have to provide them a written record of what you are paying and why they are being paid. Here are some of the things that you should ponder over, when you want a paystub template.
What Is The Information You Need?
The information offered on the paystub varies from company to company. If you have a logo, it will definitely find its place on the payslip along with the company name and the address. Apart from that, the employee name and the salary would be mandatory. But there are quite a few other pieces of information which would be added based on the type of setup you have. For example you have a group of employees working full time for you and you will have to contribute to their benefits and pay the taxes from their payroll. Both of these figures have to be printed on the paystub. Similarly, if you have freelancers working on an hourly basis, you will have to print out the charges per hour and the total number of recorded hours that the person has worked for you. So, a lot of pieces of information will depend on your employee rules and regulations. Share:
What Is The Kind of Template You Are Looking For?
Some paystubs look like a spreadsheet report. Others look like a beautiful cheque. It varies from employer to employer and you could choose something that suits your company style. Do you want it to look bright and gorgeous or do you want it to look sombre and professional? Do you want a plain background or a printed template with some design preferably related to the company? All these questions will have to be answered too.
Do You Have Special Preferences?
Some paystubs have an attractive embossing or raised letters. If you have a lot of employees and many paystubs to give out this could prove to be an expensive affair.
What Is Your Budget and How Much Time Do You Have?
Your budget for designing the paystub and the time you are left with would usually decide whether you will try designing one yourself or resort to one of the innumerable sites online that offer free templates.