I Am A Factory Raised Laying Hen And This Is My Life (Part One)

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I am a factory raised laying henwith a story no different thanmultiplied billions of other egg laying hens who have also been caught in aninescapable web of cruelty. We cannot run, and we cannot hide. We will experience the most heinoustreatmentimaginable every hour of our existence until our lives are cut short at the slaughterhouse. This is my story... This is our story.
The Beginning
My life has begunin an industrial incubator. I am just one of many thousands of embryos who have this day begun their conscious existence in exactly the same way. My heart started beatinga mere24 hours after my motherproduced the egg whichgave memy life. I have been able to feel everything, includingallsounds and movement since my 22nd hour of life. At 24 hours I have eyes and by thefifth day of my life all of my bodily organshave already been fullyformed. By the sixth day I have a face and a beak. I will soon break away from my shell prison with the egg tooth that God has given me.
I have never heard thegentle clucks of my mother which God gave for my comfort, but only the constant whirring of the machine that is my incubator. God made me to realize thetouch, sound, and feelof her presencebut no matter how loud my calls of distress from my shell I have never heard the sound of the mother that bore me. I feel so lonely and scared. I know this is not the way it should be. I know that this should not be the beginning of my life.
I am now twenty one days old and I have no more room in my egg. I must break away and get myself free. Iwill saw my way out of this enclosure with my egg tooth or surely I will suffocate. I work quickly and diligently andafter much effortI am finally free but there is no mother to be found. I am in the midst of thousands of new hatchlings. Where am I? Exhaustion overtakes me and I fall asleep.
The Tortures Begin
I am awakened by the realization that I am being wheeled down a long hallway in the cart in which I escaped from my shell. The cart stops and my traywhich is crowded with newly hatched chicks is being removed. Two of my brothers are grabbed by the cruel hands and are brutally tossed into therefuse where they will suffocate to death. You see, they are not a profitable commodity, so my captors just discard them with the morning trash. Another of my brothers was placed in a grinder while fully alive. This was a merciful fate however, as you shall soon understand.
Now a large angry hand has grabbed me and is pushing my face up against a machine blade. I now hear a crunch and incomprehensible pain is shooting through every nerve in my body as my beak is being cut off by a hot blade. It has been only 3 hours since I emerged from my shell. How could this be happening to me? I black out from the sheer agony. Suddenly I am brought back to consciousness by a rough hand which has grabbed me and slammed me into a cage in a dungeon like dark setting. Bones break.
My head is throbbing with pain from the excruciating and gruesome debeaking, (this pain will eventually become a dull ache but it will never go away as long as I live) and the wires of the cage that are my only footing cause intense pain in my feet. I suffered a fractured leg when my captor flung me into the cage as though I were a worn out dish cloth. I cannot find any way to get comfortable. There are newly hatched chicks all around me squealing with pain as they have also had their beaks forcefully removed by the ghastly blade. My allotted space consists of only a few inches and there is almost no place to stand. I want to walk or run or even spread my wings for the first time in my life but there is no room. My whole body aches and I am tremblingwith fear and terror. I know my sisters are somewhere in this living hell but I don't know where. There are thousands of us crammed into these cages. How could this be happening to me?
I am starving and am being fed some horrible substance which I would never eat in a natural habitat but when I accidentally bump my chopped off beak against the metal in an attempt to get at the food and water an excruciating pain attacks every nerve of my aching body. My heart is beating faster and faster from sheer terror. There arebugs and fliescrawling all over my skin and huge rats brush by me on a regular basis. I cannot escape and death refuses to release me. I am naturally a beautiful intelligent animal but now I have been made into a monster. My disfigurement has made me hideous to look at.
To Be continued...
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