Hyperhidrosis And Your Life

Share: Excessive sweating can ruin your personal life
, relationships and outlook on life and towards others. It slowly destroys self-esteem and cripples a life. Only professional help and stop or at least bring you to terms with hyperhidrosis and how to live through it.
There is no need to be pitiful of yourself or think you are alone. Because you are not. Actually, three million other people suffer from hyperhidrosis and a lot of others are experiencing the severity that you are. It is embarrassing to sweat excessively and constantly from the face, underarms or from any other part of the body. But there is always someone somewhere who suffers from the same condition. And in that there is some comfort.
Stressing over hyperhidrosis is not a smart thing to do. Stress will only add to the amount of perspiration produced from your sweat glands. Usually, when stressed you sweat, when exercising you sweat or when the temperature is hot you sweat. Because of hyperhidrosis these things will only make you sweat more. It is much more effective to remain calm and relaxed and this will help to control or lessen your hyperhidrosis.
There are a few other steps to take to stop or control your hyperhidrosis and to get your life back into working condition. OTC antiperspirant is a deodorant especially created for persons suffering from hyperhidrosis. This when applied to the underarms will help to lesson the amount of sweat that is produced. When purchasing an antiperspirant consider your age, your lifestyle and what you would want that antiperspirant to do for you. If you have a very active lifestyle then a deodorant that controls odor and excessive sweating would be ideal. If you are older and less active a simpler and milder version would be appropriate. Before applying any over the counter product consult your physician. Some prescription antiperspirant work better than their over the counter counterparts.
Herbal remedies have for a long time been practiced as ways to lessen excessive sweating. Some persons boil sage leaves and use it to wash themselves, especially the areas that are prone to breaking out in excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. Some others drink the concoction regularly. Small adjustments to your regular diet can also help to lessen excessive sweating. Certain foods and supplements should be no longer ingested. These foods include foods with complex carbohydrates that convert into sugar and help to stimulate and over excite your sweat glands. This ultimately causes hyperhidrosis. Your diet goal should be obtaining more calcium and magnesium than regular. Magnesium is well known for controlling excessive sweating in your armpits. A diet rich in these minerals will only help to diminish or stop hyperhidrosis completely. Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided. They too aid and abet hyperhidrosis.
Foods that are healthy and useful in combating excessive sweating are foods like fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken. Try to stay away from beef. Your digestive system will have less work to do in breaking down your dinner and as a result help to stop your hyperhidrosis.
by: Mark Montel
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