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Hybrid Vehicles: The Darlings Of The Automotive Market

Hybrid Vehicles: The Darlings Of The Automotive Market

Among the most popular types of vehicles that captured the interests of many today are hybrid vehicles

. Hybrid vehicles continue to rise in popularity, as their advantages are seen as addressing the needs of the times. The climbing price of fuel in the world market, calls for a transportation alternative that can be used with other sources of power. And hybrid vehicles fit the description, along with vehicles that use other energy sources such as electricity. No wonder, then, that the manufacturing and development of hybrid vehicles has become widely pursued in recent years.

What are Hybrid Vehicles?

A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that has two or more major sources of propulsion power. The most popular are hybrid cars which are currently marketed to the public. This commonly marketed type has both the traditional gasoline motors and electric motors. And because of their propulsion power source they are termed as gas- electric hybrids. Aside from electricity, other sources for propulsion power include hydrogen, propane, CNG and solar energy. The engineering of such vehicles largely depends on the aim of its manufacturing. Making hybrid vehicles may be done for fuel efficiency, power, reduced greenhouse emissions and enhancing driving range. Hybrid cars are already available in the market for the past 10 years.

Aside from hybrid cars, there are other hybrid vehicles that many must have already been used before. One example is a motorized pedal bike which gets its propulsion power from either the motor or by pedaling. Other types of hybrid vehicles that can easily be found around are diesel- electric trains, diesel- electric buses, diesel- electric mining trucks, nuclear- electric and diesel- electric submarines. This list illustrates that the most common type is the gasoline hybrid and it is also the kind that is being sold for public use.

The Significance of Hybrid Vehicles in Modern Times

The increasing popularity of the use of hybrid vehicles is very timely because of few but very notable reasons. One is the increasing prices of gasoline in the market. Gasoline prices continue to rise overtime. Homemakers often cut a big part of their monthly budget, solely for gas consumption. With hybrid vehicles they will now have an alternative source for energy to use their vehicles. The growing concern for environmental conservation and the intensifying of GREEN campaign from every corner of the world make diesel- electric vehicles in demand. The use of electricity greatly reduces the greenhouse emissions of vehicles making them cleaner and safer to use.

The continuous development in the manufacturing of hybrid vehicles promises a very great breakthrough for the new generation. Hybrid vehicles hold a potential power in dominating the future of transportation technology.

by: Levi Quinn
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Hybrid Vehicles: The Darlings Of The Automotive Market Columbus