How to protect the auto glass and windshield of your car

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How much do you love your automobile? Most of automobile owners make routine maintenance to their vehicles by changing the brake oils, coolants and lubricants and mobile of their cars. As any small problem occurs, they try to make the repair quickly so that no major problems occur later. But one important thing most of the car owners neglect is the auto glass which is also known as windshield.This glass is not as complicated as that of car mechanisms, but it should not be overlooked as it has a great probability of getting cracked and need repair. So the damage in this part needs immediate look-up and repair. It should be given same priority to that of other car parts issues. Damage to this part may turn to a big issue later, so such damages should be handled with care.
A windshield seems to be unbreakable at normal circumstances, but when the auto glass is subjected to heat, pressure and road bumps, then it may get a crack in it if not maintained properly. The make of it is through lamination of two glass sheets of a special type of glass. As for the laminate material, the chemical that is widely used is vinyl plastic which is of very hard composition. This laminate is responsible to hold both the layers of glass sheets together and prevents shattering of glass fragments if gets a crack.
The windshield is locked to the car by using glue where urethane is used world-wide to act as the glue that locked the auto glass to the car. But in Sun's rays it may get mould and hence a black frame, also referred to as "frit" is used to guard the urethane from Sun's Ultraviolet rays. Without it, the glue may get melt and it cannot keep hold of the glass to the car body. Sometimes the same happens to the rear-view mirrors that which are attached incorrectly, thus they fell off the frame when the glue gets melt in the Sun. Thus the "frit" is also an essential part in holding the glass to the car part and protects the urethane from getting molded.

Share: Windshield is one of the important factors which is responsible for vehicle safety and also the safety of the pilot while driving. The most important role of the auto glass is to protect the driver or you can say the pilot of the car from wind and dust particles; and at the same time provides a clear view of the road and outside. The second major functionality of it is safety of the pilot and the passengers. It combines itself with Airbag to minimize the impact of accident on the people in the car, mainly in the front-seats. While the airbag starts functioning, the windshield redirects the path of its inflation towards the driver seat, thus saving the person from direct impact. While during rollover, it serves to prevent the roof from collapsing, thus helps the passengers from hanging outside the cars.
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