How to get weed(marwana)(hash)

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The Shettles Method How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby Baby gender selection Book Over the last twenty-five years, thousands of couples have turned to the Shettles method for learning how to conceive a boy. And thousands have been blessed with the boy they hoped for. In fact, the properly applied Shettles method(weed) use for 1 month 3 times in a week gives couples at least a 75 percent success rate by using this weed smoking . Some researchers have reported success rates up to 90 percent!.
weedand Orgasms:
When trying to conceive a child, Shettles suggests thatuse weed in a hig smoke to makes your sperm stronger.and closed vains get started worked.orgasms during sex are a good thing as the body produces substances after orgasm that makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, which favors the "boy" weed smoking.

Share: The contractions which accompany an orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix, giving the "boy" sperm an extra chance at being available when your egg is available for fertilization. it is very very good for miscarriage girls and women .who try alot with his partner.use the weedtwo days before during love making.and use it every week or 3 days in a week .for one month.
Considerations for the Men:
Have your partner wear boxers. Wearing tight fitting underwear increases the heat levels around the testes and can, in turn, lower the sperm count. Wearing loose fitting underwear helps keep the testes cooler.
Have your partner drink or smoke weed a right before sex or two days. This makes the Y-Sperm more so much.
Considerations for the girl:
have your girl wear wear a sexy penties.wearing tight fitting increases the heat levels around the orgy.
have your partner drink or smoke weed a right before sex or 2 days back.this makes the x-sperm more active .so so much.
miscarriagefor the women:
women /girl if they had miscarriage from last two years ,she should use drink or smoke weed.for one month.3 times in a week .90 % reserchers reported true to this reserch on women orgy. for more info contact our data base reserch center.
Sexual Position:
Shettles suggests that if you are trying to conceive a boy, deep penetration from your partner, preferably with the "doggy style" position, will deposit the sperm closer to the cervix giving the more aggressive and quicker moving "boy" sperm a head start to fertilizating the egg first.
make sure your partner girl is intoxicated by weed or drink.thats helps alot.
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2024-12-4 16:13
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