Some people think about retirement as an end. Yes it is an end to your working life all to the life you've lived through many years, but it is also a new beginning and a chance to make all sorts of changes that you dreamt about for years.
So instead of feeling downhearted when you think about leaving the world of your long-term work, change your mindset so that you feel motivated to make a new start in the way you live your life.
Of course now you are older and wiser you may realise that you have some restrictions on what you can and can't do. However a lot of these out in your head rather than in your body. It's really important to keep yourself as well as possible that using healthy diet and exercise. When you have a positive mindset you may be amazed at how much you can achieve whatever age you are. Retirement is a time for opening new doors discovering new opportunities and not procrastinating. If you have a sense of urgency about getting started with your new projects and that's fine. You no longer have unlimited time that you can enjoy your remaining years of discovering new ways of living and changing your life in the way that feels right few now.
It's important to be motivated to make the changes that you want. Don't be discouraged by other people if they laugh at your ideas tell you that you're too old to do what you plan to do. Don't immediately assume that something is not possible. Be open to new technology, learn to use computers and iPods. It's a digital camera and try using an iPhone. Keep up to date by reading the newspaper regularly and surf the Internet to keep on learning new information. Socialise with people of all age groups so that you remain up-to-date and what's going on in the world. Enjoy your family relationships and if you have some, spent time with your grandchildren because they will teach you about the world today and you can tell them all about what it was like for you growing up. Tell them about what life was like you when you were a child and how things have changed. Then let them show you how to use new gadgets and try to understand the world from their point of view.
Make the changes that you really want when you retire and you will be motivated to really enjoy your life.