Lot of us have many a times have decided to buy saffron spice but we decline the opportunity because of the increasing doubt on the quality of saffron available in the market. However, the taste and aroma of pure saffron is totally unforgettable and it is because of its difficult extraction it is one of the most valued spice over the world. Saffron is extracted from the three strands or stigmas of the crocus flower in the autumn month and all the flowers and the strands are handpicked by skilled labors. It takes around 500,000 strands to accumulate 1 kg of the valuable spice.
It may be easy to buy saffron threads due to the increasing availability of saffron products in the market but it is better to purchase saffron threads instead of powdered form. Saffron provides a unique flavor fragrance and color to the food item in which it is being used and it is available in different grades depending upon the nature of its use. However, there are three main points on which the quality of saffron can be judges easily like the color of all the saffron stigmas should be red and any other color can mean a possible leap in the quality, the saffron threads should be dry as you touch them with brittle feel and if they are wet there are chances of adulteration and lastly, the aroma and fragrance of pure quality saffron is very unique and strong.
These above-mentioned criteria can help you in deciding and making the best decision while buying saffron herb. However, one should always keep in mind that the price of saffron depends on the quality of saffron. A person buying saffron should be careful in making purchase and look out for yellow or white parts along with the red saffron threads. These
These above-mentioned criteria can help you in deciding and making the best decision while buyingsaffron herb. However, one should always keep in mind that the price of saffron depends on the quality of saffron. A person buying saffron should be careful in making purchase and look out for yellow or white parts along with the red saffron threads. These