How to become an Online Tutor

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How to become an Online Tutor
Becoming an Online Tutor from a regular home tutor or teacher is very easy. It's not a rocket science and it's not that a tutor who is teaching from many years cannot become an Online Tutor at the older age.
It's not requires anything rather than a Computer with internet connection.
But the most important thing requires is the MISSION or PASSION to spread your knowledge beyond the boundaries.
There are a lot of Tutors who are Teaching Online to the other countries students just free of cost with the motive to make the world knowledgeable.
If you are Retired Teacher and still want to teach to the student but, at your own comfort with your own timings from your Home place Online Tutoring is best for you and believe me it's very simple, and by the fact it's more fun also to teach the students of out of the boundaries.
In fact now it is the time to share your precious experience with others as well.
Let me tell you the exact things required to Teach Online
Just a Computer with standard configuration
A broadband Internet connection.
A headphone
One Webcam
Digital pad/pen (for better experience)
That's it nothing else, again the PASSION is very much important
Online Teaching is the same as you teach in your classroom, the difference is just that today's technical world add the word Virtual' with this and makes it "VIRTUALCLASSROOM". Here, will be one or more student talking with you, chatting with you or watching you and you will be doing the same with them as you do in your physical class.
You can do many things extra here, which is not possible in a normal class, like discuss on your files, images, share your presentations instantly and discuss them, take the help of internet to explore record the class and many more things.
So do not think if you are an experienced tutor you can be an Online Tutor on Check how many tutors are taking Math tuition online, Science, English subjects can be taught online easily.
Get more about Online Tutoring check our blog
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