How to Sleep on an Airplane by:Roseanna Leaton

Share: There's nothing worse than sitting there, pinned into your seat
, whilst the person next to you snoozes happily by your side, oblivious to your discomfort. Some people have all the luck! But is it really just luck? Is it to do with their temperament, or anxiety levels, or could it be that they have just learned how to get to sleep?
You hear of some people who describe themselves as so laid back that they are "almost horizontal" but this does not necessarily mean that they are good sleepers when on an airplane. They will sleep beautifully when at home, and quite likely on an airplane, but this is not necessarily so. What tends to make the difference is one's expectations and these are based on experience. It would seem that sleeping on an airplane is a learned habit, and thus the good news for those who have suffered airplane insomnia in the past is that you too can learn this art and turn it into a habitual pattern of behavior for yourself as well.
How so? How can you learn how to sleep? Ask anyone how they go to sleep and few will have even the slightest clue as to how it happens - it just does. Those who have ever had a problem with insomnia will have more of an insight into this, and will be able to identify certain triggers which can assist you to sleep. For instance visualizing something peaceful will help most people to sleep. This is because where there is a conflict between your will power and your imagination, your imagination wins. So if you are lying in bed, or sitting in your airplane seat, with a myriad of thoughts competing for your intention, just by consciously shifting your attention to PICTURING something nice and pleasant, you are giving your brain a push in the direction of easier sleep.
Can you remember being told by your mother or grandmother to "count sheep"? This immediately triggers off peaceful visual images, whilst at the same time engaging your logical mind in a task which is mundane...and therefore boring...and sleep inducing.

Share: You will also be aware that when you sleep you dream and your dreams are very visual. You SEE things happening in your dreams, and these images are very vivid to you. Thus as you make the shift from normal waking consciousness to the alpha-theta states of sleep, your creative mind comes to the fore. By intentionally shifting you attention from logical thought to vivid imagination you are imitating what happens naturally when you sleep and therefore making it easy to drift off. You are in effect, leading your mind into a natural sleep state.
You can put this knowledge to good use next time you fly. But in the meanwhile you can get practicing with the help of hypnosis downloads. Hypnosis is in fact the state between wake and sleep, and so by learning to use hypnosis you will learn the previously elusive art of how to sleep. When in hypnosis you feel calm and relaxed, and your imagination and creativity come to the fore, allowing your visualizations to be more vivid and more real. You find it easy to focus whilst in hypnosis, whilst at the same time shutting out distractions, even shutting out any feelings of physical discomfort due to sitting for a long time in a small airplane seat...
By choosing to practice hypnosis, you allow a cumulative effect to take place. As you learn to know that you can visualize and relax easily (and therefore sleep easily), you create an expectation of sleeping easily. You just know, at an instinctive level, that you can and will sleep easily...and so this is what will happen the next time that you fly. You can learn to sleep easily on an airplane with the help of hypnosis downloads. You can get a free hypnosis download from my website and try it for yourself.

Share: Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for health and well being.
http://www.roseannaleaton.comAbout the author
With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. You can get a free hypnosis download from and peruse her extensive library of hypnosis downloads for health and well-being.
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