How to Save Money With Auto Shipping

Share: Author: T Kearns
Author: T Kearns
Most families are of the two-car variety. Even though in some large cities walking makes more sense than driving, you will probably not be able to walk everywhere you need to go and the public transportation is either nonexistent or is woefully inadequate.
If you and your family are moving to a town far away from where you now live, you are probably thinking of driving your cars yourself to the new home. It seems like the obvious thing to do. You should probably think again. Auto shipping companies are professionals who are capable of moving several vehicles at once over long distances, saving you the trouble, stress, and cost of driving one or two vehicles across long stretches of road. The auto shipper is expert in transporting any type of vehicle safely over long distances and offers you a choice of many services to best suit your needs and pocketbook.

Share: If you are not naturally a planner, this is the time you need to change that. You need to make careful preparations based on your circumstances. Figure the cost of driving those vehicles yourself including fuel, wear and tear on the car and you (and quite possibly other drivers in other vehicles) and the cost of food and lodging on the road, especially over long distances. Compare this total with an estimate from a reliable auto shipper and you will undoubtedly hire the carrier.
The cost of shipment likewise depends on certain parameters. The distance and date by which the vehicles are to be delivered, as well as the type and condition of vehicle, decides the cost of transportation. But in most long-distance cases, whether your car is old or new, to hire a professional carrier is a sensible and economic thing to do.
Standard transport companies will offer various plans of shipment services at various prices. The cheapest being the "economy guide". This is something of a crap shoot, though, because your vehicle will only be loaded if there is enough room for it on the carrier - first come first served. To get your car into a priority shipping time slot, you will have to pay more. The "economy guide" plan is only for the truly financially strapped and/or those who really don't give a hoot when their vehicle arrives at its destination.
The next most economical mode of transport is the open carrier. The car will be exposed to damage from weather conditions, road conditions, flying gunk from the air and the road, and possible theft and vandalism. You can do more to protect your vehicle from the above at a greater price, of course, by transporting it via a closed truck. You can also go with "Full Service" which will guarantee timely pick up at your doorstep and delivery right to your new home. This option will set your wallet back even more. You can minimize the charges by doing everything possible to eliminate extra weight from your car by not packing any personal belongings, removing everything you can and shipping it with only enough fuel required for the journey.About the Author:
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