How to Make Money Online for Beginners

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How to Make Money Online for Beginners
You are considering a move to online business income as a primary or alternate income source. But how do you know what to do, when you are doing the right thing (or wrong thing), how do you keep from getting in over your head? Well in this industry you reap what you sew, so making the right moves upfront are key to success down the road. Lets dig deeper shall we?
So you are sitting infront of your pc and don't know what to do, which direction to go, etc etc etc right? But you know you need to make somekind of move because you are getting fewer hours at work, or they cut your pay, or you are tired of your wife having to work a full time job. A little background on myself, I am not a internet marketer, IT guy, sales guy, I was a supervisor in a manufacturing plant. Did that for 20 plus years. But I am getting to that age where I was tired of being tied down to having to be here at this time, having to do this at that time. I wanted to be in control of my own schedule. I still view myself as a supervisor, my employees are google, yahoo and ccpro. But I'll be honest, this journey is not for everyone, if you don't have confidence in yourself and are willing to see something like this through more than a month, you are better off punching a time card everyday. So how did I make this move?
Well lets define what I did step by step, hope it helps you:
1. Set a goal. Why you ask? Because when you start out there will be days when you feel overwhelmed and think you are in over your head. You need this goal to help keep you on track. The more detailed the goal, the better. "Being finanically stable" in not enough detail for your goal.
2. Partner with the right community. If you don't you will be broke and nowhere in a few months. Now obviously I am going to tell you to follow me as I have found the perfect fit, but I also want you to research, whether it is with me and ccpro or anyone else you need to know what people are saying about it. Look on my site, it is easy to take a deeper look without fear of losing anything but a little of your viewing time. One of the keys in picking your partner is do they provide the resources to get an average joe to where they need to be to be successful. One of the great points I will give you about CCP is that when you have that day I mentioned in step 1, you will also have mentors to help you through it so you are not alone. I wouldn't be doing this today if it were not for them.
3. Complete all the training provided. This is primarily if you follow me, but I know when I first started I felt I didn't have time to sit there for the hours required to become knowledgeable, but ended up backtracking later. Now I realize it is better to train a little each and everyday, it never hurts to learn a little something that can help tomorrow.
4. Follow the guideline. Again I can only speak for what I found success with, but if you think about it if you do what the people that have been successful are doing then you should see what they see, right? Also a favorite saying of mine applies if you don't.."if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." Makes a little sense huh?
5. Don't spend loads of money upfront to get yourself on the map. Commitment from a customer is about trust, not money. If they trust you they will want what you have to offer. There are so many avenues to get free exposure that although you will want to do some paid advertising, you truly need to go slow at first to avoid being in the hole at the start.
6. Use your initial income to start a sustaining advertising program. Once you get yourself established as a reputable source, you need to keep the momentum and smartly utilizing advertising can help that cause. Also, at that point you will be educated enough to know what to look for to keep from getting scammed.
7. Schedule your time wisely, at some point some of the things required to maintain your status will not be worth your time anymore. Don't be afraid to outsource some of your tasks. That is actually why I quit my job, I was losing money while at work. To explain, I could make more if I stayed home following leads and creating opportunity for others than my paycheck was giving me. I was spending 3-4 hours each day working at this while working a full time job at first. Then one day it just hit me, why go there and subject myself to all the BS when I could stay home and have more of everything. More free time (I set my own schedule now), more money, more happiness, I could go on and on.
Take 5-10 minutes and think about what you really want out of life. Remember I mentioned this was not for everyone. Well I can give an example of that also. My wife could never succeed at this because she is so skeptical of everything. She even tried to tell me after the first month I had made a mistake. Well you can imagine how she feels now, but had it been her trying to do it she would have never started to start with. But if she had, she would have jumped ship at the first opportunity. Are you like me, or like her? Life is what you make of it, make it worthwhile starting today. I can help!
Thanks for your time,
Doug Danley
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