How to Keep Hands Supple by:Karen Chan

Share: Every single day we use our hands to handle so many things
. This may range from papers, pot holders, sponges, steering wheels and so much more. Just like our feet these extremities also need some time to rest especially if we work in the office and typing is essential. Nobody wants carpal tunnel syndrome (numbing fingers) and most especially rough and manly palms. Just imagine shaking hands when meeting new people, wouldn't it be nice to accompany your elegance with soft hands as well? This article will give you tips on how to get soft, supple palms and forearms without having to resort to spas and such.
Wash your hands
After a stressful day, your hands are stressed too. So, during your night-time routine make sure you wash them with warm water and a trusted moisturizing soap, this is to remove dirt, dust and what-not on the surface of your tips, palms and everything in between. This is also important for hygienic purposes, not only do you achieve more relaxed hands you're also getting rid of any disease-causing microorganisms you might have contracted during the day.
Hand Spa
Hand Spas are expensive, so why not do it at home? All you need is a bowl of warm water. You can add your favourite aroma scent to get a spa like ambience. Next, you need to soak your hands for about ten minutes. Also, if you have spare honey lying around you can put an ample amount on your palms and rub them gently together. Soak again. This will soften any hard areas and leave you hands feeling supple.
Hand Cleansing/Exfoliating
After your spa experience get moisturizing soap (bar or liquid) and put some on a wash cloth or a soft bath stone. You can choose any moisturizing soap that you like; recommended soaps are apricot and Aloe Vera. Using your wash cloth or bath stone gently massage your palms, the back of the palms and between fingers to relieve stress and tension. Then, rinse your hands and pat dry with a soft towel.
The final step to achieve soft, smooth and supple hands is to moisturize. You can use a regular moisturizing lotion, body butter or you could opt to use a hand cream filled with minerals that help calloused and rough hands become smoother and suppler. Apply an ample amount on your palms and rub your hands together while massaging until the moisturizer is absorbed by the skin.
Always remember that your hands, like your feet need spas and massages too, especially because you always use your hands to handle so many things and it is also easily noticed. So take care of your hands with these easy steps you can definitely keep your hands soft, smooth and supple without breaking the bank.
About the author
Karen Chan is really passionate about BEAUTY. You may visit her other articles at
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