When dealing with the auto industry and car dealers, one should be armed with the knowledge of how these scams work and how to avoid getting tricked. Along with honest car dealers who run reputable businesses and sell cars without using various tricks, there are a lot of car dealers who make profit on naive car buyers.
Here are some tips on how you may deal with auto fraud and avoid becoming a victim of disreputable dealers.
Car dealers often scam people with bad credit since they are an easy prey due to the fact that they believe they cannot get financing. To reduce the chance of being scammed, have your financing done through your bank and show up to the car dealership with a bank draft in hands.
Another rather common fraud committed by car dealers is the advertising fee scam. Though oftentimes the advertising fee is on the factory invoice, dealers add in a second advertising "fee" which is their pure profit.
To avoid this scam, simply ask the dealer to take it off the contract. If the dealer tells you that the factory does not charge them an advertising fee, ask them to show you the invoice. If there is no fee on the invoice, which is very unlikely, it is okay if the dealer charges between 1% and 3% of the Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price or MSRP for an advertising fee.
If you feel you are the victim of auto fraud, the best way of dealing with it is to contact a car fraud lawyer and learn what your rights and options are.