How dreams helps you to know your death before and how you can extend your life by understanding the dream symbols

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Seeing death in dreams:
To see yourself dead in dreams says that you are putting an end to present way of living,you are planning to start something new,a more simple life filled with morals and ethics,love and affection.To see yourself coming back to life once again after death says that you will succeed in changing course of your life in the direction you have desired.In dreams,if you undergo pain during death says that the transformation process will be very very tough for you.
Death of dear one's in dreams:
To see someone near and dear passing away may not tell about their death in waking life,so nothing to worry about.But sometimes,intuition for dreamer will be at higher levels and during that time the dreamer might catch glimpses of future in his dreams and these glimpses might come true in waking life.
How to identify the symbols which tell about coming of death:
The first important symbol which tells about death is eyes.If you see if your best friends mother eyes were pulled out with thread says that the time has come for your friend to depart from this planet.If proper remedial measures are taken one might change the outcome of the event.Mother in dreams represents the spiritual projection of one's self and when eyes of one's mother removed it says that the person is spiritually dead or the soul left for heavens at that moment.The body with out soul will survive very few days around forty usually and after that it will collapse at anytime.
Death ceremony in dreams:
To see death ceremony of someone also says about coming of death to that someone.If you see your own death ceremony then it says that the time has come for you to leave this planet..
Packing your luggage in dreams:
If you see many children packing your luggage and asking you to get ready to leave your house also tells about coming of death.These type of dreams usually experienced when the dreamer crosses ninety years where he will be literally on bed and looses interest in worldly things and during that time,the fourth dimension opens up and the souls of his near and dear one's will approach him and ask's him to join them.
Feeding crows in dreams tell about death:
Feeding crows in dreams also tell about death in real life.If you see yourself feeding crows then death of one of your parent is indicated.If you see someone feeding crows then it says that that person will loose someone from his family.
Climbing ladder also indicates death,if already those who are dead are inviting you to climb the ladder and reach their side.
Dreams about Internal organs placed on hospital bed tells about violent death:
If you dream lot of internal organs spread on hospital bed says that you will hear death of someone who died violently,like some sort of accident,where the body is dismembered.
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How dreams helps you to know your death before and how you can extend your life by understanding the dream symbols Kista