How To Whiten Teeth
Have you ever looked at a magazine cover while standing in line at the grocery store
wondering how those stars have the brightest smile that you have ever seen? How do they maintain really white teeth and how can you do the same thing?
The first thing that you can change to have whiter teeth is to avoid any tobacco, coffee, and other drugs. These are substances that will stain and make your mouth not only look darker but they can also mess up your gums with different diseases and rot your teeth.
Abstaining from these things will make it easier for you to keep a bright smile and away from the dentist office with a bunch of problems. Cutting down on the amount of sugar and candy that you eat will also help keep the cavities away and save you money from having the dentist drill in your mouth.
The next thing that you should make sure to do every day at least twice a day is to brush and floss regularly to reduce any stains that you currently have and to prevent future stains from presenting themselves. This is the best advice dentists can give you but you are the only who can enforce it and actually make sure that you keep to this routine.
Whenever you go to the dentists' office, they clean all of the plague off and floss for you to show you how to do it properly and then hand you a free toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste. So there is no excuse to skip this step and not do it every day.
Everyone knows how important this is and should make this routine into a normal habit to have good dental hygiene. The next thing you can do is to try whitening toothpaste.
Obviously a lot of these companies advertise that their toothpaste can work miracles and make your smile brighter but you should realize that this is only partially true and will only work a little bit if you take the other necessary steps to keep your mouth healthy in addition to it. These kinds of toothpastes will not completely solve your problems and you should not count on them to work a miracle.
In addition, the more potent a paste is the better it will work. This means that the "best" kind of paste is going to be very abrasive and can end up damaging your mouth more than helping it if used too often.
Find a dentist that you like and trust so that they do not tell you that you have ten cavities every time you come because they are trying to make a lot of money off of you. Schedule regular visits (at least two every year) to remove all of the food and other stains professionally every once in a while.
There are a couple of treatments that you can do at home and at the office that involve bleaching. The dentist can use a bleaching agent with periodic flashes of light to activate this solution. Usually it takes about thirty to sixty minutes to complete the entire procedure and you must go through this process several times before you will notice a difference.
If you rather do this at home by yourself, then you will have to get fitted for a mouth guard that can hold the bleaching agent in it while you wear it. Usually you have to wear this for a couple of hours every day for two or three weeks.
If you have tried all of these options and still do not feel satisfied with how your smile looks and do not think that your teeth are very white, then you can always get veneers. These are custom made shells to fit specifically over your front teeth.
The dentist will have to shave down part of your real tooth before they can attach the veneer over the top. It is not painful at all, but it is the most invasive and is the hardest to get your dental insurance to cover because the treatment is very expensive.
by: Ronald Pedactor
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