How To Take Care Of Dental Instruments?
Dental practitioners place prime importance on the quality and proper maintenance of their dental hand instruments
. They make sure that the dental instrument suppliers from whom they procure their equipment are reputable. Without adequate care of dental instruments, dentists face the risk of losing their practice.
To make sure they are equipped with the best quality dental hand instruments, dentists make a substantial investment to avoid the hassle of repairs. Many of these instruments are sensitively designed to allow the dentist to perform specific treatments. When an instrument is not maintained with the right care protocol, it can cause injuries to the patient and put their health at risk.
Dentists hand instruments must carry the standard CE quality mark. All dental instruments come with manufacturers instructions for maintenance. Dentists strictly heed this as non-adherence can void the warranty. Maintenance and repairs for dental equipment must be performed by qualified and trained service personnel since the process involves special care. Special staff is usually assigned this task.
Maintaining routine dental hand instruments
Although most hand instruments do not require special care besides sterilizing, there are certain surgical dental hand instruments that need more than just cleaning. Instruments like probes, chisels, excavators, hooks, carvers, and hand scales are used for precision work and must be sharp in order to perform the intricate work involved in surgery. In the process of cleaning these instruments can become blunt over time. Maintaining these instruments and ensuring they stay sharp has many benefits for dentists as this enables them to do their work with precision, saves time and reduces fatigue so that they can finish the procedure comfortably. These instruments must be sharpened on a regular basis and weak instruments must be discarded as they could cause patient injuries. Most dentists stay in touch with reliable dental instrument suppliersto make sure their instruments are in top condition.
Caring for expensive hand instruments
Dentists use hand pieces that are not only complex but expensive and require careful maintenance. For these, they usually sign a regular maintenance program with certified and trained technicians. The dentists staff only takes care of routine cleaning, lubrication and sterilization. Servicing is done by the technician. The dental instrument supplier usually helps set this up.
Looking after suction equipment
Suction equipment is an important part of a dentists practice and must always work efficiently. The tubes are regularly cleaned with disinfectant and flushed after each use.
What about electrical equipment maintenance?
A large variety of complex electrical equipment is offered by dental instrument suppliers and these must be carefully maintained. Of these, the most critical is the dental unit used in surgery and this must be maintained by qualified technicians. Other electrical equipment that must be in top shape includes the radiology equipment where the chemicals must be checked and changed as required.
A dentists practice relies on the quality and proper maintenance of the dental hand instruments, tools and equipment used, besides the dentists own skills. This not only assures the best patient care, but also enhances the dentists reputation.
by: Mark Mulholland
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