Every athlete knows that an injury is one thing they want to avoid
. An injury could put them out of action for the rest of the season. There are also the unlucky sports people who have been injured badly enough to finish their sporting careers. As well as putting you out of action injury can affect your ability to keep maintaining and improving your fitness. Every sports person is aware that consistency is the key component to improving your fitness level and performance.
There are many reasons that people get injured and some of these injuries are unavoidable especially when taking part in contact sports. However, many injuries can be avoided. Common reasons why injuries happen are because people overdo it, they are using the wrong technique or they are not preparing their body and mind properly before their workout session.
Many people increase their risk of injury because they do not do a warm up or cool down session. Any proper exercise program should always include these. Your warm up should be done before your workout for 10 minutes and the cooling off session is done directly after your workout for another 10 minutes. If you are doing a more intense workout you should increase each session to about 15 to 20 minutes.
There are other precautions that you can take and here is 7 of them: Share:
Give your body time to recover by not running every day. Mix high intensity exercises with low impact exercises on alternate days.
Do not push yourself too hard or over do it. Listen to your body and build up the intensity of your exercise gradually. This will give your body time to adapt.
It is important that you wear the right clothing and equipment. If you run a lot then invest in a quality pair of running shoes that will support your feet and cushion the impact of running on hard surfaces.
Make the effort to change the surfaces that you run on. Running is a high impact sport that puts stress on your joints. Therefore, avoid running on hard surfaces such as concrete. Run on softer surfaces like grass.
If your main exercise is running or jogging then introduce strength training into your exercise regime. This will build up the strength of your muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Drink enough of water before, during and after an intense aerobic exercise.
Increase the intensity of your exercise gradually. As a general rule this should be no more than five to ten percent per week.
If you have a health condition always seek the advice of a doctor before taking part in exercise.