How To Setup A Dental Clinic In Singapore Info Guide By Company Registration Agent
The licensing of medical practices in Singapore is presided by the Ministry of Health (MOH)
. Applications are made to Central Licensing Branch (CLB) of MOH.
Singapore allows individuals with medical licenses, societies and organizations to start a dental practice. You can choose to register the dental clinic under a business entity; however, you will first have to register with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA). Once you have establish a business entity with ACRA, you will then apply for a license with CLB.
The procedure to set up a dental clinic is similar to that of a medical clinic. The application for license and fees are to be made to CLB. Application will only be processed when the license fees and complete required documents are submitted. If you plan to have more than one branch for your dental clinic, you are required to file a separate application for each branch. MOH licenses each medical facility individually, and requires a separate license for x-ray laboratory. Each license is valid for two years. The dental clinic has to be issued a license by MOH to practice before you can start offering your services to the public.
Choosing a Name
An important thing to note is choosing the appropriate name for the dental clinic. As of June 1, 2009, The name for any medical facilities cannot have the words "Singapore" and "National" without prior approval from MOH.
Choosing a Premise
There are stringent rules and guidelines for the design and layout of medical facilities. CLB has set up online PDF guides to facilitate the process of setting up a medical facility. These guides will help you in preparing for the on-site inspection of the premise by CLB, which is part of the licensing procedure.
If the existing space needs to be renovated to comply with the regulations , you will need to apply for a building work permit through Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA). When the building works are complete, you will also need to obtain from BCA: a Certificate of Statutory Completion and/or a Temporary Occupation Permit before you can occupy the space. All renovation works are to be performed by certified or licensed contractors including architects. You will also need a Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) prior to occupying the building. You can obtain an FSC from Singapore Civil Defense Force through a registered architect or engineer. A business signage that is placed on the building will require an application of an Advertisement License from BCA.
Additional Licenses
There are several more licenses to obtain depending on the needs of your clinic. If you plan to dispense medicinal drugs, you will have to apply for a Certificate of Registration of a Pharmacy with Health Sciences Authority. You will also need to obtain a L3 License from National Environment Agency to use irradiating equipment such as x-ray machines. The license applies to a single machine. You have to apply for a separate license for each additional machine.
On-site Inspection
When the facility is renovated and ready to provide services, you will have to arrange for an on-site inspection by CLB. Once inspected, it will take CLB up to three weeks to process all the paperwork and to confirm the compliance with licensing requirements before issuing the license.
Authority - Ministry of Health
Processing Time - Up to 21 working days
Licenses Fees
SGD$700 for one Dentist
SGD$1,000 for 2-5 Dentists
SGD$1,500 for more than 5 Dentists
SGD$1,600 for X-ray Laboratory
SGD$2,000 for Clinical and X-ray Laboratory
Validity - Two Years
Asiabiz is a Singapore Company Registration agent that can help you with the formation and setup of your business in Singapore
Tags: dental clinic setup singapore, ministry of health singapore, company registration singapore
by: Paul Media
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