How To Protect Your Franchise Investment With Smart Financing Options When You Buy A Franchise

Share: It was, or will be an easy simple decision right
? We're talking about the minor issue of your decision to purchase a franchise.
We're just kidding of course, because we know the franchise investment you make when you buy a franchise is one of the larger decisions you'll make in your life. And we clearly recognize the franchise cost of that investment is never a small one. So we are thinking you want to do it right?!
You can protect your franchise purchase by financing it properly. You want to be in a position to satisfy yourself, and your lender that you have the right amount of debt (I.E. loans, etc) and equity into your transaction.
It seems that it's always about the money, and that was probably one of the concerns you had when you made the decision to purchase a business via the franchise industry. You recognized it was a potentially great way to build wealth and equity, but wondered where start up capital would come from.

Share: The reality is that start up capital for your franchise investment comes from two sources, yourself, and one or two other lenders who specialize in franchise financing. Actually a large majority of franchises in Canada are financed under a government program that is technically called the BIL/CSBF program. Bar none it is the best financing deal in Canada for any new business, and franchisees have flocked to it for years. More about that program and how you can achieve success via it later...
We can't over emphasize that one of the key factors for franchise approval, under our above noted program, and others is simply that you require a decent personal credit history. Without getting to technical we can simply say that means that you have historically paid your bills, not been bankrupt, and aren't over borrowing in your personal life. Enough said about that. When we meet with clients looking for franchise financing this is one of the first areas that we (delicately!) explore.
But clients want to know why this is such a key factor, and its simply because the reality is that a franchise is , no matter how you look at it, a small business start up, and lenders look at how you run your personal life as a mirror as to how you will run your business .
Planning - that's the key secret in financing a franchise investment you are going to make and ensuring the franchise cost of that decision is properly financed. You do this in a variety of ways, one of which is documenting your purchase and plans via a properly prepared business plan. This document should highlight yourself, your business experience, and show the financial fundamentals of your business, i.e. Cash flow, ability to repay your loans, what the opening balance sheet will look like, etc.
We clearly realize that not all our clients have the financials skills, background and ability to prepare such a document, let alone present it. That's why it's a good reason to consult a Canadian business financing advisor or expert who is credible, experienced and trustworthy and an expert in franchise finance in Canada.

Share: We also remind you that step one when you buy a franchise is financing it - step 2 is making sure that you have a plan around how you will grow your business while having enough working capital to run it.
In Canada franchise cost is financed via the Government BIL program we noted - The borrowing limit is 350k, and we have found that this financing can be supplemented with equipment and lease financing for certain assets of the business . Those two strategies, coupled with your own investment of funds will get you to the goal line.
Speak to that ' in the know' advisor we talked about and you should not have any worries in your ability to finance and buy a franchise.
by: sprokop
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How To Protect Your Franchise Investment With Smart Financing Options When You Buy A Franchise Amsterdam