How To Prevent Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism ?
How To Prevent Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism ?
"Teeth/Tooth Grinding" , also referred as "Bruxism" , is something many
individuals do frequently during their night sleeps.However , excess grinding of
teeth harms our enamel and adversely affects our oral health. It may lead to many
complications. It occurs most commonly to youngsters , however , if not taken
care of , this may continue even when they are mature . Tooth Grinding arises due
to a varies number of reasons.
Why does one grinds his teeth while sleeping? The most accepted reason for this is
mental stress . Other reason for clenching of teeth includes supressed anger.
Aggressive persona of an individual may also lead to bruxism .
What are the ill-effects of teeth grinding ? Does clenching of teeth harms health
severely ? Well , occasional teeth clenching does not pose a major threat to your
health.However , if you regularly clench your teeth , then it may trigger critical
problems like severe headaches and ofcourse , teeth-damage.It can lead to severe
temporomandibular issues.
The major hurdle in diagnosing Bruxism is that one does it unconsiously during
his/her sleeps.An approach to this can be regular visits to a dentist.Your dentist
will be able to find whether you have tooth grinding habit or not by examining
your tooth sensitivity.
Sometimes , bruxims is just a short-lived temporary habit.However , a therapy may
become quite essential when it remains for a longer period of time.The therapy
includes fitting of a customized 'mouth guard' for your teeth.If your teeth are
misaligned , then your dentist might take some steps to fix it. If you are an
aggressive individual or constantly suffer from stress , a behavoir therapy could
do wonders.Try to maintain your calm .
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