How To Pay The Bare Minimum For Auto Insurance In Colorado Springs

Share: Colorado Springs, second-largest city borders the spectacular Rocky Mountains
. According to MSNBC, was ranked number five on the list of Best Cities to Live, Work and Play. Drivers have to contend with driving in the mountains and an average of 37 inches of snowfall per year. In addition, residents are required by the state of Colorado to have a minimum amount of car insurance. Keep reading to learn more.
Anyone who operates a motor vehicle is legally required to have a certain amount of liability coverage. Colorado state law mandates drivers and throughout the state to have:
A minimum of $25,000 Bodily Injury Liability coverage, per person;
A minimum of $50,000 Bodily Injury Liability, per accident; and

Share: A minimum of $15,000 Property Damage Liability coverage
Colorado State uses a Tort system, which means a driver must be determined, at fault for an accident. In addition, the driver who is determined to be at fault (and their Colorado Springs auto insurance provider) will be financially responsible for paying for the damages. Drivers are not required to pay for Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage, but should consider purchasing this beneficial coverage.
In the past several years, car insurance rates have dropped in Colorado Springs (and across the United States). Contrary to popular belief, car insurance rates can fluctuate dramatically across the board.
In fact, when compared to the current average, the average car insurance premium in the state of Colorado was actually 17 percent lower in 2010 than in 2009 (According to
Colorado Springs auto insurance, on average, is approximately $1350 in 2010, while the national average is considerably higher at $1,541. However, in 2009, the Colorado auto insurance rates were 26 percent higher than they were in 2008.
In order to get the cheapest rates, drivers in Colorado Springs should consider comparing their current rates with the rates of other companies in the area, on a regular basis. Residents can compare auto insurance rates quickly and easily by visiting one-stop rate comparison websites online. Rate quote comparison sites compare the rates of multiple insurance companies that provide coverage throughout Colorado Springs to bring drivers, the best possible rates.
Colorado's state motto is Nil sine numine, which means Nothing without providence. Drivers should take this motto to heart by practicing safe driving, getting the minimum Colorado Springs auto insurance coverage required by the state of Colorado and comparing rates to get the cheapest premiums.
by: jenbravely
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