How To Maximise Response Rates For Your Online Questionnaire

Share: Through an online questionnaire, you should be able to measure a certain set of data that you are interested in
. You must firstly decide who you want to question. This could be, for instance, an audience within an organisation, like a team or all senior managers. However, it can also be a global questionnaire, asking responses of everyday people from across the globe. From a statistic perspective, however, you do need a certain number of responses before you can class your results as valid. This is why it is important to learn how to maximise response rates to your questionnaire. This is done through two main things: promotion and accessibility.
Promotion of the Online Questionnaire
Regardless of who your audience is, you must make sure they are aware of the fact that the questionnaire is out there. This is perhaps easiest to achieve within an organisation, where you can use such tools as the intranet, internal email, team meetings, staff supervision and annual appraisals to raise awareness of the questionnaire. If, on the other hand, your audience is external or global and not attached to you through personal or professional liens, you may need to think of other things, including prize draws, which always seems to raise response rates.
Availability of the Online Questionnaire
The second important issue in raising your response rates is to ensure the questionnaire is easy to access and available to all who want to complete it. Because it is an online questionnaire, all you need to promote is the link to the website. Make sure it is placed on any and all communications that you send out to potential respondents, for instance by attaching it as a signature to your email, or by placing it as a link on social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Do make sure to ask people to share the link, particularly if you look for global responses.
You must also consider solutions for people who struggle with going online.Perhaps someone requires braille (now available on the internet through specialist readers) or perhaps they require the questionnaire to be spoken. Thinking about equality will have a great impact on the response rates you can expect to receive on your
online surveys. This is particularly important if you are hoping to reach a diverse group of people. Furthermore, the results may prove to be far more interesting if you ensure you are inclusive of lesser abled bodies.
Repeating the Online Questionnaire
The two important issues explained above should be repeated over and over again until the deadline for completion has arrived. You should never presume that someone has seen a request to complete an online questionnaire posted a number of days ago. Repeat it as much as possible, by posting it online again and again, or by email it out on a daily basis, to maximise the response rates you receive. If you are truly organised and you send out the questionnaire via email, do make sure to not send it to those who have already complete it again. This will decrease the likelihood of them completing any future questionnaires.
by: Peter Andrews
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