How To Make A Child Listen - Techniques And Strategies From A Child Behavior Program
How To Make A Child Listen - Techniques And Strategies From A Child Behavior Program
Isn't it frustrating when your child or teenager is constantly messaging or talking on his mobile phone and listening to you seems to be the last thing on his list! It absolutely infuriates some parents. How do you make a child listen and how can you get him detached from his latest piece of electronic technology which you probably paid for?
The first way is to actually use the same electronic gadgetry so that at least you can remind them of a chore, homework or other task that needs doing. Also, it is a great way to enter and be part of their world although I would prefer eye to eye communication at all times. But entering into this sort of instant messaging can really help parents too. So tweet him a message or send him an SMS to remind him that he needs to get changed for basketball practice and so on. Kids and teens love getting messages so why not one from you?
The second technique is to keep calm and not get angry. Maybe that sounds easy and sometimes it is not easy at all. But if you are calm, that can be contagious and it can immediately bring peace to an otherwise rather fraught situation. You have to look calm as well. Remember studies show that kids understand about 70% of what you are thinking just by reading your face. If it is angry and frustrated, well, that is not going to help at all.
Once we lose it and start yelling and screaming matches, we are sending a very clear message to our kids. That is that yelling and screaming get a reaction. The situation escalates each time and the consequences get more and more extreme like grounding them for a month. This is not really going to help to make your child listen. So this is your child management technique!
Actually, it is disastrous one from your point of view because you have lost a golden opportunity to teach accountability and responsibility.
One way of encouraging this responsibility is to make sure that a well structured routine is in place. The schedule is there for all to follow. This is a great way of getting through the day because you do not have to waste time in personalizing requests to get things done. The routine in a way does it all for you.
If you would like to know what are the other tricks to make a child listen, why not check out Dr.Noel Swanson's behavior therapy home based program. It is full of sound advice and will teach you lots of tricks of the trade of being a parent. You will never have to worry about how to make your child listen to you again!