How To Lower Premiums For Cheap Taxi Insurance
Do you want to lower your taxi insurance? If so
, then you'll need to take certain steps, to drive in the right direction. While you have several options, some are more effective than others.
Here are some of the best ones to take if you want to enjoy cheap taxi insurance:
1. Work as a chauffeur.
You might be surprised at how many people in this world can afford to hire a chauffeur! Even if it's not an occupation that you'd normally consider, the experience can help to reduce your taxicab insurance premiums. Even though you might not be driving a 'company car', you're hired to drive the vehicle-like when driving a taxi.
2. Get married.
If you're on the fence about tying the knot, then consider that some taxi insurers provide discounts for married drivers. That's because married people tend to be in fewer accidents than single people are. It's a practical way to secure cheap taxi insurance because married people have attachments to their spouses (and children). And that tends to translate into more cautious driving.
3. Search high and low.
The process of finding the cheapest taxi insurance is basically a numbers game. So search big and small companies, and search online and offline. Getting more quotes will exponentially increase your chance of finding rock-bottom insurance premiums. The Internet has made the process drastically faster and more convenient, which is a plus in the hustle and bustle of today's world.
4. Buy a home.
OK, you probably shouldn't purchase a home for the sole purpose of getting lower taxi insurance. But if you own a home or are in the market for one, keep in mind that some insurers offer discounts to home owners. Statistics show that home owners tend to be in fewer accidents than renters are.
5. Drive company cars.
Taxis aren't the only company cars on the road. If you don't have any experience driving company cars, then get some under your belt before searching for cheap taxi insurance. One reason why taxi insurance is higher than 'standard' insurance is that you aren't driving your own vehicle. So earning some experience driving company cars will demonstrate that you can do it safely.
6. Drive carefully to erase points.
That's not to say that you should drive less carefully if you're not in the market for taxi insurance. But if you have points on your driving record, then it's crucial that you eliminate them before searching for a cheap policy. Otherwise, finding affordable insurance could be hard as nails. And in fact, having points on your record could make it nearly impossible to find an insurer. So while driving, keep your eyes on the road and your fingers off your mobile phone!
7. Learn the criteria of insurers.
By learning companies' criteria for calculating premiums, you can take steps to secure the lowest ones possible.
If you want cheap taxi insurance, the key is to take a proactive approach to your search. These tips will help to increase the chance of decreasing your premiums.
by: Tom Jones
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