How To Go Bust Purchasing MLM Genealogy Lists
Many folks in the Network Marketing place their hopes on MLM genealogy lists all too often
, only to find that they have completely wasted their money!
They get themselves all geared up to start calling all those 5,000 or whatever prospects and get ready to start living the dream, but then they begin to realise.... No one is taking the bait, no one wants to join their business or buy their products, in fact these so called prospects are pretty angry that you even have their information. It's not working!
What is an mlm genealogy list you may be asking
They are lists of people who were previously involved in a network marketing company, most likely a company that didn't go anywhere and shut down. Sometimes when an MLM company goes out of business they will auction off their list of distributors (complete with full contact details). Needless to say the personal details of thousands of distributors could potentially end up in the hands of almost anyone.
Once the list has been bought, anything could happen to the information, most likely the buyers will do their own marketing to the list prior to selling the information on to other interested parties, whether this be other network marketers or information 'agents'. If you were to search the term 'MLM genealogy lists' online you would see countless offers of lists for sale at seemingly reasonable prices
One of the big problems with such lists is the legal implications; it totally goes against the data protection and non disclosure documents that every distributor signs on enrolment. No one signed on the dotted line to say, 'yeah sure, you can sell my information to some random person if the company goes under'. Assuming your looking to build your business with any form on integrity and morals then you will probably stay away from these lists.
Their details will arrive on your desk after travelling through a whole chain of information networks (mostly unethical) and when you call these people they don't know who you are, they've never requested any information from you and most likely have previously been involved with an MLM deal that didn't work out. Because of how you got their information your actually on the wrong side of the law anyway by calling or mailing them. It's not really the ideal prospect, certainly not what you would call a qualified prospect!
Something else to consider which should put you off the idea of such lead lists is the amount of telephone prospecting involved, are you willing to sit down and call hundreds of people every day, trying to get a 'yes'? There is no other way to prospect them unless you want to start SPAM emailing them and get shut down by your ISP, or you could embark on a direct mail campaign which would be costly. You also need to ask the question 'are you an expert closer on the telephone?', its takes a lot of skill to close warm prospects, let alone stone cold freezing leads!
Given that there are a myriad of alternative ways to create leads for your business (especially online) there is no need to use genealogy lists. It's not actually difficult to be bringing in thirty or more leads into your business on a daily basis using the internet. I recently did a training explaining the step by step process I use to do this in my business for free, and the benefit is that my prospects already know who I am before they receive information from me.
How To Go Bust Purchasing MLM Genealogy Lists
By: James Hicks
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