How To Get pregnant with PCOS using Metaformin and Other Prescriptions
How To Get pregnant with PCOS using Metaformin and Other Prescriptions
PCOS is among the notorious causes of infertility in most women. The good news is that, the condition is treatable. If you are thinking of how to get pregnant with PCOS, it is important that you weigh your treatment options so as to have a smooth trip to motherhood.
The safest means on how to get pregnant with PCOS is to ensure you keep your lifestyle in check. Women with this condition may notice an increase in fertility when they change their exercise and diet regimen. A slight percentage in weight loss makes a huge difference in overall fertility and it also assists in minimizing gestational diabetes the moment they become pregnant.
Another smooth ride on how to get pregnant with PCOS is taking the correct medication. Take medication designed for insulin resistance if you are thinking on how to get pregnant with PCOS. Take metaformin three to six months before opting for other prescriptions.
Ovulating is difficult for women with PCOS, so you just have to use drug supplements like Clomid to assist in stimulating ovulation. You can also take HCG shot to stimulate the ovaries.
Timing is important. Taking basal body temperature and charting it will assist in determining the optimum conception time. A doctor can help you and your spouse when to have intercourse; basically, its three to four days of ovulation.
You must also give your spouse some little help. When your doctor has determined that you are ovulating normally, he may order IUTs to make it easier for your partner's sperm effectively increase the chances of conception.
After several attempts, you can call in a professional to examine you further. Your doctor may advise that you consider in-vitro fertilization as an option. But this can only come after several attempts that do not yield positive results.