How To Get a Girl – Discover The Truth For Not Getting a Girl
How To Get a Girl Discover The Truth For Not Getting a Girl
How to get a girl to like you or how to get a girlfriend has been a burning question in the hearts of men. I have seen many trying to learn pick up skills or seduction methods to get girls. When they applied the skills or seduction methods, they failed miserably. They have questions in their heads wondering what went wrong. They followed the steps to apply the skills but unable to get the result they want.
I shall share with you this truth (which most dating gurus don't want you to know): lacking of congruency is the ultimate cause for failure with women. Are you being yourself when you use the pick up skills on her? Are you feeling comfortable and enjoying using the pick up skills? The girls can feel whether you are being natural or acting to be someone.
David DeAngelo likes to use funny and cocky to attract women. If you follow his method and use funny and cocky to attract women, but your personality is not suitable to this method, it will backfire. Unless you can transform yourself to develop a new personality, then funny and cocky will be effective.
What women desire is sincerity and honesty from men. She doesn't want to be with a man who pretend to be somebody and then find out he's isn't the man he presented. If you want to loving and lasting relationship with her, achieve congruency so you can approach her effectively and build trust.
Discover your strengths. Develop a new personality that brings out your true identity with your strengths so you can attract your dream girl. Forget about women who don't appreciate your strengths. Attract women who appreciate who you are and you will get her to be your girlfriend easily.
How to get a girl to like you is not depending on pick up skills only. You need to attract the type of girl who's compatible. Get the free report "Understanding Women Psychology" so you'll know how to get a girlfriend.