How To Get Pregnant With A Daughter
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How To Get Pregnant With A Daughter
If you've found this article, I have to assume that you are wanting a daughter, babygirl, orpink nurseryin your future. In this article, I will tell you several inexpensive, natural, and relatively things that you can do at home that will greatly increase your odds ofgetting pregnant witha daughter.
None of these things are overly difficult, but please keep in mind that to be successful, you will need to address each one. Many people make the mistake of just covering one base and hoping for the best, when in reality, you have to cover all of the bases in order to hit the gender home run.
Share: The Characteristics Of The Sperm (X) That Will Produce A Daughter: People often ask me if it is easier to conceive a boy or a girl. The truth is that mother nature has done of pretty good job of making the odds pretty equal. That's because the sperm that produce a son are by far the faster of the two. But, the sperm that produce a girl are by far the strongest and longer lived. Knowing this, then, there are some things you can do to take advantage of this situation.
The Right Time Of The MonthTo Get A Daughter: One thing that you can do is make sure your timing is exactly right. Don't just leave this to chance. So many women split their menstrual cycle in half and start "trying for a baby"around day 14. This can certainly work to get you pregnant, but it's leaving too much to chance if you are dead set on a daughter.
Some women ovulate way later in their cycle. Some women ovulate sporadically and some ovulate at different times on each different month. Use some reliable method to pinpoint exactly when ovulation occursfor each and everymonth. Don't guess.I prefer saliva ovulation predictors as they sort of give you a "heads up," as you can see the changes that occur day by day (even hour by hour.) Use what ever works for you, but make sure you do use it.
For a daughter, you want to conceive on the earlier end of your fertility window. That's about 3-4 days before your actual ovulation date. That's why it's so important you have a "heads up" and not just a guess.
The Right PH To Get A Daughter: I've already told you that the girl sperm are strong and hardy. Now, I'll tell you that, comparatively speaking, boy spermare weak and fragile (no disrespect to our husbands or sons, of course.) Boy sperm will struggle greatly in an acidic vagina. So, you want to make sure that you have met this criteria. There are a couple of ways to do this. One way is going on a high PH or acidic diet. The other is treating the vagina itself by douching.
Many women are leery or scared of this process. It can seem very mysterious or hit or miss, but this just doesn't have to be true. You can get PH testing strips and find out how acidic you are and how much you need to raise your levels. Then, you just take the appropriate action and keep testing until you are at optimal levels. There are douche recipes and food list that can help with this too.
Share: The Right Sexual Positions To Get Pregnant With A Daughter: There is one final thing that you can do to get a daughter. And, this one is the easiest methods that leaves the least to chance. Simply put, you want to have intercourse in such a way that is the least friendly to boy sperm. Knowing it is weak, you want to give it a longer trip (and then expose it to a high vaginal PH). To do this, you just have intercourse (at the right time in your cycle, of course) in a way that places the sperm as far away from the egg as is feasible.
Rememberto address each of these variables. If you do,it willgreatly increase yourchancesofsuccess.
Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at
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