How To Get Insurance For A Used Car

Share: Used Cars Can Offer Great Insurance Premium Value
Lets face ityou dont generally buy a used car to impress your neighbors or indulge in a midlife crisis whim. Used cars are proven money-savers, often allowing you to save over half the sticker price of a comparable new model. The money-saving benefit of buying a used car carries over into the insurance realm too.
Used Cars Mean Reduced Rates on Comprehensive and Collision Coverages
As a general rule, auto insurance companies are able to charge significantly lower premiums for used car insurance. Why? Its a simple matter of value: Since used cars are worth less than their new counterparts, it costs an insurer much less to compensate for the value of a used car in the event of theft or irreparable damage. This means an auto insurance company can charge a reduced rate for comprehensive and collision coverages for the
used car auto insurance, thus drastically lowering the owners premium payments.

Share: Liability Coverage Holds Steady For Used Cars
Liability coverage premiums for used cars and new cars a like tend to be similar. It makes sense if you think about it A used car and a new car are liable to cause equal damage to pedestrians, buildings, and other vehicles. It doesnt matter if you hit someones Mercedes convertible with your 1992 Cutlass Sierra or your vintage Rolls Roycethe dents and dings on the unfortunate Mercedes will still cost the same amount to repair.
Increase Your Deductible for Used Car Savings
With used cars, you also wont need to purchase as much comprehensive and collision insurance coverage as you would for a new car. In fact, if the car is old enough and lacks sufficient value, you can often choose to dispense with comprehensive and collision coverages altogether. Along these linesused car owners should consider paying a higher deductibleand hence a lower premiumfor any comprehensive or collision coverage. Since the car is not worth as much, you can factor the additional risk into your budget.
Additional Used Car Money Savers
Insurance companies take into consideration many factors when determining insurance rates for a used car, including:
The model of the car: Since theres potentially years worth of safety and performance data on a used cars model year, an insurance company can use this data to reward reliable and safe car models. Make sure to research which models insurers like best.
Your driving record: Just as for a new car, a rash of speeding tickets or moving violations will inflate your used car insurance premium.
Parking arrangements: Is it possible to park your used car in a garage on a safe street? Doing so will save you money.
Miles driven: If your commute is long and treacherous, expect to pay more in auto insurance premiums no matter if your car is used or new.
In closing, we wish you luck with the purchase of a used car. Its possible to realize hefty savings on used car insurance, but shopping around is key! If you take the time to research different used car makes and models, you should absolutely compare different used car insurance quotes. We can help!
To get started comparing used car insurance rates,
visit our quotes page now.
by: DavidPetersen
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