How To Get A Great Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
Share: Are misaligned teeth problem for you? Have they been stopping you from flashing a smile
? Many people suffer from teeth problems that destroy their confidence and prevent them from smiling their whole lives. Imagine if you could just get your teeth fixed in a matter of hours, wouldn't it then be great to get that perfectly gorgeous smile so quickly and conveniently?
Of course it is, and there is a solution to give you that. It is called cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is any dental procedure that enhances the appearance and function of the teeth. There are various reasons why people undergo cosmetic dentistry. Some decide on these dental procedures to look younger, while others to simply fix their badly aligned teeth. Currently, cosmetic dentistry includes a wide array of options that attempt to improve the teeth in some way. With ongoing research, more convenient and less expensive options are continuously being introduced to the market.
If you have been having problems with your teeth and wish to get them fixed, read through our most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures to find out which among them best suits your needs.
Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
Perhaps the most popular and commonly sought cosmetic dental option in the world. It is worn by children, teens and adults. Braces align the teeth and close the gaps in between them. They are brackets glued to the front of the teeth and linked together by an archwire that pressures the teeth to align. Nowadays, one can choose modern braces over the traditional ones as they are made from clear plastic and hence are invisible. You can also request them to be personalized according to your color of choice.
Whitening is another cosmetic dental option sought by those looking for ways to enhance the whiteness of their teeth. It makes use of peroxide-based materials that can cleanse the teeth from any discolorations. There are two types of whitening systems. One is the in-home whitening system which involves a custom-fitted tray lined with bleaching gel and worn at home for up to two hours daily. And the other is called the in-office system or chairside bleaching. In this system, the patient is being treated at the office of the dentist, who places gel directly on the patient's teeth and then exposes the teeth to a laser light that oxidizes stains or discolorations. In a matter of one hour, teeth can become significantly white after the treatment.
Dental Implants
If your teeth have been injured and extremely damaged, dental implants may be used as an option. Dental implants are artificial teeth that highly resemble natural teeth. They are implanted after the damaged teeth have been removed. Furthermore, they can also be implanted in place of missing teeth.
Commonly used when a tooth has been chipped, they support the restoration of the original teeth. Unlike dental implants, veneers do not need to remove the original injured teeth but instead are placed in front of the damaged teeth to make to them look natural again. Veneers are made out of a thin sheet of custom-made porcelain wafers and can be quite an expensive option for correcting the appearance of the teeth.
by: Mary Grace Jackson
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