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How To Generate Leads For A Home Based Business The Easy Way

How To Generate Leads For A Home Based Business The Easy Way

How To Generate Leads For A Home Based Business The Easy Way

If you are involved with network marketing, a direct sales business or any other home based business and you are sick of annoying your friends and family, handing out DVD's, paper cards, post cards and harassing complete strangers who happen to have the misfortune of standing 3ft away from you at any given time, you are going to love this article.

You will appreciate that the ability to generate leads for a home based business is the life blood of any opportunity that you are involved with, in fact it is the lifeblood of any business you care to mention. You can have the greatest product, service or opportunity you can think of, but if no one knows about it, it's not much use.

The traditional way to generate leads for a home based business has been to literally ask everyone and anyone if they are interested in what you are selling, or are they interested in joining your opportunity. A lot has been written about how you can disguise this information and lead the prospect around to your way of thinking and ultimately secure the answer 'yes' from them. Now that is ok and does work to a certain extent but the two main problems are 1) It takes a long time to build up any sort of business and 2) It leads to a lot of rejection, as not everyone has the mind-set and the foresight to see what your opportunity has to offer. In a nutshell you are cold calling people and it is the biggest waste of your time going.

So how do I generate leads for a home based business?

The easy way to generate leads for a home based business is to leverage the internet and become the hunted. What does that mean exactly? Well think about it, what do people primarily use the internet for? The answer to that question is research. If someone id thinking about joining a home based business, they will more than likely research it on the internet first. Will they find your opportunity there? Will they find you personally on the internet?

You will have far more success using the internet to generate leads for a home based business because you will find people who are actively searching and pre sold on the idea of joining an opportunity, you will now have to convince them that it is you they should be joining and partnering with.

Top ways to leverage the internet to generate leads for a home based business

The following are three of my favourite strategies to help generate leads for your business by using the internet. This will serve as a guide for which you may undertake some more research.

1) Video marketing - Record videos and upload them to YouTube

2) Facebook paid advertising - Target the exact profile of your ideal customer by leveraging the information from their profile.

3) E-zine solo adverts - send your advert by itself to a list of people who are interested in your subject and have asked to receive more information on the subject.

The above are just some examples of how you could leverage the internet to generate leads for a home based business. If you would like to find out more please check out the link below for more information.
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How To Generate Leads For A Home Based Business The Easy Way