How To Enjoy The Best Social Networking Site- Twitter

Share: As of today, Twitter is considered as the best social networking site due to its simplicity and applications
. As it gradually gains its popularity, more twitter applications are added in it. In turn, there are more things to do in the site aside from updating your current situation. For more than a year, people come into twitter to increase their social network. They either do this by following other twitter users or buying twitter followers.
Apart from the basics, Twitter is attracting different kinds of people due to its twitter applications. Apparently, Twitter has at least twenty twitter applications. The most popular one is the Twitpic application. In this application, you can share photos to your friends and family all over the world. You can do this either from a phone using Twitpic's API or through the main site of Twitter.
In addition, you can also have fun through Tweetdeck application and Digsby. The Tweetdeck is a streamlines notification in Twitter while the Digsby is an application for centralizing e-mails, IM's and social networking accounts into a desktop program. Twitter also has a Twitterfeed application so that you can automatically published using RSS. The Twitterfeed application allows you to feed up your blog into Twitter.
Digsby is probably the most interesting twitter application out of the hundreds twitter application. It allows you to update your status through different social networking sites apart from Twitter. With at least twenty popular applications, you can say that Twitter is not just another social networking site.
However, one thing that excites online users about Twitter is gaining popularity. Even Hollywood celebrities and international singers are using Twitter to increase their social network or fans. In effect, more people come into Twitter to know about the latest happenings on their favorite celebrities and singers. However, famous people in Twitter have the same goal- to have the most number of twitter followers. To make Twitter more interesting, they are buying twitter followers. In turn, people watch excitingly as these famous people compete for the number one spot.
Apparently, not only famous people are using Twitter for business and pleasure. Even small businesses today have seen the benefits of using Twitter application. Unfortunately, these small businesses have a much smaller circle of network. To compensate with this, they resort to buying twitter followers hoping that they will gain more popularity and keep up with the stars. So, are you interested to compete?
by: Stacey Zimmerman
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