How To Enhance Your Life Experience And Feel Good More Of The Time!

Share: What is the most important thing in life?
We all value different things so obviously the answer will be different for all of us.
Even though we value different activities and prefer to have different possessions
all of us will undoubtedly value one thing.
Our actual experience!
If there is one thing that anyone wants to improve upon it is how we experience life!
We may be bored with our experience and wish to improve upon it in some way;
become better and expand our capabilities. We may wish to purchase some new
piece of technology or buy new clothes.
The things we desire we do so because we think they will complete us make us
more than what we already are and therefore enhance our experience of life!
We are buying feelings as well as buying things. These feelings are what will
bring us the experience we desire and perhaps in some peoples minds help them
become different people and think and or act in different ways.
This is the core of what drives human behaviour - the need to either avoid
uncomfortable feelings or attain pleasurable feelings.
What are ways to enhance our experience?
There are many ways but the most effective will be always be associated with your mind
and what you do inside yourself! And not only what you do inside but how you move and also
how you hold yourself - the subtle changes in your physiology that can change how you feel.
If you find yourself in a stuck negative state you are merely at the negative end of the pole!
We can only know good states in relation to bad ones; we can only know hot in its relation to cold.
So the first thing to realise is that whenever you feel negative or in a stuck state it is because
you have become entangled in this state by the way you are thinking and acting. To change
this one must use their will to change their state. You can do this in three ways.
Simply watch what is happening - in this way you can get a clue as to what may need changing;
if for example you are making pictures in your mind of you failing or of things not working out
for the best!
When you watch what is happening you can begin to change it - otherwise you wouldn't be
aware of it which it would make it more difficult to directly change. It is however possible to
feel that something is wrong and still be unsure of whats causing it. In this case watching
can allow it to surface.
If you have no time to do this you can become aware of what you say to yourself whenever
you feel bad! What is the tone or quality of your voice! This will have a huge impact on how
you feel! If you watch with awareness and notice how what you're saying is inextricably linked
to the feelings you are producing then it will become more difficult for you to continue doing it!
Thirdly we want to change our physiology in other words how we move!
Change the way you are moving and you will change the way you feel! When you feel down
notice how your body feels or how your body is positioned.
Are you slouching? Are you slumped over?
See if it possible for you to feel the same way by changing how you move or changing your
With all this in mind we should be aware of the simple fact that sometimes we are going to
feel down and there is nothing wrong with that however if we find ourselves continually
feeling poor then in order to change that we have to be willing to change our internal
representations; these being:
The pictures we make in our mind
The way we speak to ourselves
The way we hold and move our bodies
What we are trying to accomplish really is the ability to be in a more positive state more of
the time even though we will still find ourselves between the two poles of perceived good
and bad.
This polarity in which we find ourselves will be subject to the law of rhythm. In other words it
will swing from pole to pole back and forth up and down to and thro. We all instinctively know
this at some level and if we wish to center ourselves and avoid the pitfalls of the low then
meditation is one of the most effective ways of maintaining this inner poise. We roll with the
highs but maintain an inner composure to effectively counterbalance the lows.
By not letting yourself get dragged down by the lows you will find yourself raising your vibrational
state as it were and reaching higher states of mind and body. If you are looking for an effective
meditation practice that is entirely passive and brings instant results with wide-ranging, long-term
benefits then click below!
by: CM
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