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How To Deal With Autoimmune Disorders

How To Deal With Autoimmune Disorders

When the immune system is working properly it offers a defense against viruses

, bacteria and germs. This all breaks down when an autoimmune disease develops. The immune system gets confused and kills off your own tissue and organs.

The tissues, red blood cells, muscles, digestive system, skin, blood vessels and nerves can all be affected by a breakdown of the immune system. Women are most at risk for developing autoimmune diseases and mainly during the years that they bear children. Most of the time autoimmune diseases are inherited and can be set off by things in the environment.

Not two people will react the same to an autoimmune disease. Each case is different. Sometimes the symptoms are mild while other times they can be very serious.

Autoimmune diseases are not curable, most of the time. The symptoms can be treated so that life will be more kind to you. Your doctor will have to determine which autoimmune disease you are dealing with before he prescribes the appropriate medication. Aspirin might be all you need if you are dealing with a mild autoimmune disease. Powerful prescription drugs are given when the symptoms are more serious. Radiation therapy and Plasmapheresis is used in extreme cases. Plasmapheresis is the filtering of the blood to remove diseased cells and other dangerous molecules from the bloodstream.How To Deal With Autoimmune Disorders

As you might have guessed the conventional medicine has a lot of side effects. Natural medicines have been helping to keep immune systems on track for hundreds of years. Sarsparilla and yarrow can be used to clean the blood and keep the muscles and joints from becoming inflamed. Ginger and Turmeric can be used to alleviate the symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders. Yucca can help if you are stiff or are dealing aches and pain in the muscles. It can also help to get rid of skin disorders when used as a shampoo.

The advantage to using homeopathic ingredients is that the immune system will not be overstimulated. Rather, they work at bringing about balance and relief from the symptoms that autoimmune diseases bring with them. Natrium sulphate, Natrium phosphate and Kalium phosphate will help to bring about a better mood and support the nervous system.

Make sure you talk with your doctor or homeopath before making any decisions on which path to take. You want to be sure you are not using any prescriptions or herbs that are likely to react with each other. Get plenty of rest and stay on a healthy diet for the added benefits.

by: Dee Braun
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How To Deal With Autoimmune Disorders