How To Choose A Payday Lender Based On How Much They Charge

Share: Choosing a payday lender is never an easy task and it can take hours of leg work to find the best deals
. Its important when evaluating lenders to look at some core facts: how much the lender charges as opposed to what their APR is, how long your loan will last for, whether any additional charges will be levied and how long it will take to secure your loan. However, on and above all of these factors its even more important to identify whether or not you can actually afford to repay your loan prior to applying before doing anything you should always ensure that you will have the necessary funds to repay your loan. Payday Loans typically last until your next payday, if you have any reason to doubt that you will be able to afford the repayments on your loan then you should not apply in the first place.
The first factor you need to look at when applying for a payday loan is the charges that a particular lender posts on their website. Keep in mind that charges differ from APR APR is a yearly measure on the total cost of a loan and thus isnt as applicable when it comes to payday lending. Charges on the other hand give you a more precise indication on exactly how much you will be due to repay. For example, most payday lenders charge a fee of 25% on every 100 borrowed this varies greatly between lenders however its important to use this figure as an indication of the value of short term lending.
The second factor you must consider when evaluating payday lenders is whether or not they will request further information. The need to provide further information or identification can unnecessarily delay a payday loan application particularly if you have to provide bank statements, photo ID or other such forms of information. These forms of identification typically have to be faxed to the payday lender. Lastly, always check user reviews on payday lenders prior to submitting an application there are a great deal of reviews out there on payday loan companies and it is always a wise move to check what previous customer have to say about a particular company.
by: Mark Jang
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