How To Catch And Keep A Guy In Your Life - This Is How You Will Keep Him In Your Life Forever

Share: Are you one of those women who always asks herself how to possibly keep a man in your life
? What are the things a girl must do to make a guy stay and never leave? This is definitely a question that a lot of women asks themselves and it is a very important thing to consider. Sometimes men just tend to leave for no reason, and the woman is just left there standing all alone wondering what happened. With these essential tips, you will know exactly how to keep a guy in your life.
Be Confident In Yourself-
Show the guy you like how much you like and respect yourself. Let him know that you are confident with the person you are and the things you can offer to him. Guy like a confident woman, a girl who has her own goals and values. Also, a guy likes a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. Guys do not like a girl who is insecure and who hesitates when making choices and acting on a guy.
Get Him To Notice You-
Maybe the guy doesn't like you, or hasn't come into your life, because he hasn't noticed you yet. If you haven't made yourself a presence in his life, he will never know who you are. A simple "hello" or smile, or waving to him will let him know you're there at least. Look to see that he has waved back, or done something to return the gesture. Get the guy to know you, where you're from, you're friends, etc. And the same goes for him. Get to know his interests, hobbies, friends, personality, so you can establish some kind of connection.
Make Him Laugh-
It does a great deal to have a good sense of humor with a guy. Give him something to smile about, and make him laugh hysterically. Humor him in some way. Through wit and sarcasm, or making fun of yourself, whatever it takes.
Do Something You Share In Common-
If you both enjoy going to a romantic movie, Asian cuisine, tennis, find something that you both enjoy and it will help you make a connection with him.
Be Patient-
Nothing develops immediately. You need to take the time to let things flourish and come together. You cannot force him to like you right away. You have to just act naturally and know that his attraction for you will develop over time. If things don't go as you planned to take it too personally. Not everyone is cut out for each other. Move on to someone better and more suitable.
by: Ellen Lapointe
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How To Catch And Keep A Guy In Your Life - This Is How You Will Keep Him In Your Life Forever