How To Buy The Perfect Antique Rug

Share: If you are in the market to buy a collectible or decorative rug
, consider these few options before making a purchase.
For starters, know what you are getting. Is it a good deal? Are the materials, the textures and the age along the lines of what you were expecting? How much restoration has gone into the finished product? It can be difficult to determine by the naked eye or by way of a book whether the antique rug you are looking for is really what it claims to be. However, you do have some options to keep you from making a mistake that you will live to regret.
1. Go to a reputable dealer. If there is one in your area, friends, family or co-workers should know. Make sure you ask them. They may not have the answers you are looking for, but they will likely know someone who does.
2. Ask the dealer to stand by his product. A good way of him proving the quality of the product is to let you try it out at home for a few days. Submit the rug to normal wear and tear and see if there are any adverse effects. If the product is as good as advertised, then he will not have any trouble selling it should you not wish to purchase at the end of the trial period. If he refuses, then he may not have faith in the product.

Share: 3. Know the exchange policy. Ask the dealer how long you have to decide on the rug. If you get tired of it, or you do not like the way it looks in your home, will he take it back with no-hassle? Will he allow you to exchange for comparable products so long as the merchandise is returned in good quality?
4. Get it in writing. Make sure he notes the return agreement on the invoice at the time of purchase. This protects both of you.
5. Don't stop at one. Look at more than one style of rug and compare against quality, color and overall looks.
6. Examine color. Make sure it matches on the front and back of the rug.
7. Ask the dealer where he bought the rug. Getting one from an estate auction may indicate authenticity. Buying from another dealer is okay, too, so long as the other dealer is reputable.
8. Call Sotheby's and Christie's directly to speak with the head of their carpet departments. Ask them for dealer's names and recommendations of dealers you can trust to buy from safely.
Avoiding the purchase of phony antique rugs is your responsibility. Stick with advice you can trust and dealers whose reputations are without question, and you will never experience antique buyers remorse.
by: Gen Wright
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